Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Appoints State Ministers and Senior Officials


PM-appints-officialsNovember 27, 2018 – The Ethiopian Prime Minister, Dr. Abiy Ahmed, today appointed seventeen senior officials to various posts, including state ministers and heads of organizations and institutions. ; agencies.

According to the report of the FBC, here are the seventeen officials appointed by the Prime Minister and their positions.

1. Dr. Ambachew Mekonnen- Infrastructure and Urban Development Advisor, Minister to the Prime Minister

2. Gebregziabher Araya – Deputy Government Whip with the rank of Minister of State

3. Shimeka Chane – Deputy Government Whip with Minister of State rank

4. Chala Lemi – Deputy Government Whip with Minister of State status

5. Tesfahun Gobezai – National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister and Minister of State

6. Bir.Gen Ahmed Hamza – Managing Director of Metals and Engineering Society (METEC)

7. Motuma Mekbada – National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister and Minister of State

8. Kebede Yimam – Deputy Commissioner of the Environment, Forests and Climate Change

9. Azezew Chane – Deputy Commissioner of Customs

10. Awel Abdi- Deputy Director General of the Metals and Engineering Society (METEC)

11. Mulugeta Beyene – Deputy Commissioner of Customs

12. Tsigereda Kifle – Director General of the Federal Office for HIV / AIDS Prevention and Control (HAPCO)

13. Ms Yamrot Andualem – Deputy Director General of the Armawer Hbaden Research Institute

14. Dr. Mizan Kiros – Director General of the Ethiopian Health Insurance Agency

15. Hamid Keniso – Deputy General Manager of the Authentication and Document Registration Agency

16. Kebede Chane – Director General of the Agency for Refugee and Returnee Affairs

17. Misrak Mamo – Deputy Commissioner of Customs

Source: BCF

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