Prince Harry and Meghan Markle remain silent as Samantha Markle continues her personal attacks


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been silent in recent days in the midst of ruthless personal attacks on Samantha, the Duchess of Susbad's half-sister.

After the royal couple's appearance at the Nelson Mandela Centennial Exhibition, Samantha posted a dam. tweets attacking his half-sister to be "cold" towards their father Thomas Markle.

"How about paying tribute to your own father ?! Enough, that's enough," she writes. "Act like a humanitarian act like a woman! If our father dies, I hold you responsible, Meg! #KensingtonRoyal.

She added, "I'm glad you have so much time to pay homage to others while ignoring your own father! How cold can you be and look at yourself in the mirror Harry? I think I was right.

<img itemprop = " contentUrl "width =" 961 "height =" 698 "clbad =" mapping-embed lazysize lazyload "src =" public / 2018/07/19 / rts1sqj6.jpg "alt =" [RTS1SQJ6] [TRADUCTION] 19659006] Meghan Markle and Prince Harry ride in an Ascot Landau car at Windsor Castle after their wedding in Windsor, UK, on ​​May 19 2018. The newlyweds remained silent in the midst of public attacks by Duchess Samantha Markle's half-sister Reuters

In another tweet, Samantha called the Royals an embarrbadment for being so cold with Thomas. "You should be ashamed of yourself," she said.

Prince Harry and Markle decided to cut off contact with the father of the duches after refusing to give press interviews about his famous daughter. A source told Entertainment Tonight that newlyweds were "frustrated to continue talking to tabloids and to take payment for interviews."

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In response to a frosting, Thomas explained why he was talking to the press and hinted that he would continue to give interviews until the couple speaks to him

"I was silent for a full year and the press beats I got up every day saying that I was a hermit who was hiding in Mexico, so I'd I told my story, "he said." "Apparently, this interview [with Good Morning Britain] put the royal family in its mode of silence … so, I gave another interview to break silence, just talk to me. "

Thomas added," Tomorrow is my birthday, 74 years old, and I appreciate the fact that I can make the whole royal family talk … And maybe that I can laugh at the Duchess. "

Earlier this week, the former Suits father of the actress gave an int erview in camera with The Sun where he claimed that Markle was "terrified" of being a king and celebrity who goes with it.

"I see him in his eyes, I see him in his face and I see him in his smile," he explained. "I have seen her smile for years, I know her smile, I do not like the one I see now, this one is not even a stage smile, that 's all. is a painful smile. "

I think that she is under too much pressure," he continued, "there is a high price to pay to be married to this family. "

Samantha has continuously launched public attacks against Meghan since the former actress was linked with Prince Harry." Recently, Samantha revealed that she was writing a book detailing her experiences "living in the city." 39, shadow of the duchess. "

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