"Prophet" arrested after "failing to bring a dead man back to life"


An Ethiopian claiming to be a prophet capable of resuscitating the dead would have been arrested after failing to "bring a dead person back to life".

According to the BBC, health worker and self-proclaimed prophet, Getayawkal Ayele spoke to the bereaved family of the late Belay Biftu, in the small western town of Galilee, in the Oromia region.

Ayele reportedly told the family that he could raise Biftu – who had already been buried – from the dead, just like the story of the biblical resurrection of Lazarus that was brought back from dead by Jesus.

The family agrees to dig up Biftu's body

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The filmed incident shows Ayele lying on the body of Biftu inside the fall and scream "Belay, wake up."

to intervene when observing family members began to attack Ayele after he failed to revive him.

Ayele reportedly arrested

Abusing corpses is a crime under Ethiopian law, the report said.

See the social media reaction below

Walahi, something is wrong with us in this Africa. Hahahahahahaha: Ethiopian "prophet" arrested after trying to resurrect corpse – https://t.co/eYz3uyJtrz

– AbdulKadir Bello (@ Bakbello) 22 July 2018

"Ethiopian prophet" arrested after trying to resurrect corpse "Ugh I hate when I try to resurrect people and it just does not work https://t.co/kJF8ZNARX2

– BSizzlefosho (@bsizzlefosho) July 21, 2018 [19659017] [ad_2]
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