ProTouch plans to register as a continental team for 2019



PROTOUCH PROCYCLING, started in 2016 when a number of aspiring road cyclists U23 and Elite South Africans ended up without teams. [other than a few product sponsors and contributing cycling enthusiasts] has stopped growing in the last 30 months, with seven of its nine riders, all of whom have represented the national team in the last 12 months, as well as numerous local victories in the Scène, Tour and 1 day. [19659003] Edited by Tony Harding [who has over 20 years’ experience managing some of the best National, Professional, Olympic and Commonwealth Teams including individual athletes in South Africa and abroad] ProTouch is now planning its next goal – REGISTER AS A CONTINENTAL TEAM FOR 2019 – further, the conviction in its mission to help bring back the "best of the world". South Africa at the SINGLE NATION IN AFRICA position by 2021


"First Nation of the UCI Africa Tour, South Africa would qualify for additional registrations at the World, Commonwealth and Olympic Games Championships (currently us only," said Tony Harding, Sporting Director and co-founder of ProTouch today.

This does not necessarily mean that ProTouch riders are selected for these events, it will result in our pro European pros [who are racing on a continuous basis, at a higher level] taking advantage of these opportunities. " Is what we believe, it is our goal and why, we have led the project Support SA Talent, "he added.With time, as more and more South African pilots will be exposed to this level of competition, ProTouch and other local drivers will also benefit. "We challenge every South African runner and team, to support this mission and also invest in the Support Dream. SA Talent "


The registration of a continental team C is the first step in the access to invitations to UCI Africa Tours and the ability to earn the UCI points needed to bring the team back. South Africa in first place. South Africa was in this position from 2004 to 2009 and is currently in second place in Eritrea.

ProTouch begins its mission financing the participation of the teams in the next Tour of Rwanda – the most difficult tour of the African calendar. The team of five players, which will be announced on August 3, 2018, does not have any illusions about the difficulty of the task that awaits.

The team, which will evolve as a ProTouch brand team, will see participation in the Tour of Rwanda as part of their mission and their future goals. "The Tour of Rwanda will be a great gauge and set the target for future training and engagement required for the 2019 season, so that South African runners achieve the results," added Harding.p [19659005] As part of our 2019 program, ProTouch will pay more attention to aspects that will give its athletes the best chance of getting results. "The African Tours also allow us to start helping young cyclists develop further in the face of tougher competition, sometimes in harsher environments than they do at home," Harding continued.

Harding added that it would have been nice to prepare aloft, before making the final selections for this event, time constraints as well as finances did not allow this luxury. The only advantage he will offer, in addition to allowing ProTouch to understand the way forward, is a good form for the Tour de Maurice in which he will participate in September 2018.

ProTouch came second in the Tour de Maurice 2017, in addition to starting with the best young rider jersey, win the individual time trial as well as a stage victory. "Although the Tour de Maurice is not a UCI event, it is part of our relationship, sharing ideas (with Botswana and the Tour of Windhoek, Namibia) and allows us to participate in tours where we we can refine the athletes. "

To learn more, listen to Tony Harding's recent interview on Mix 93.8 FM on the ProTouch team, follow us on Facebook and Twitter and, for the fans of the South Mission -African Cycling and ProTouch, you can contribute to their crowdfunding campaign here.

For more information, please contact Rebecca Eliot at +27 83 656 4632 or [email protected]

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