Recap of episode 6 of "Riverdale": Archie Breaks and Betty Screams


Riverdale We were left on a hell of a cliffhanger before taking the week off for Thanksgiving. Two weeks later, you will probably not be surprised to learn that it does not work. After seeing Gargoyle King, Jughead just … ran to Betty. That's all. You may think that someone so obsessed with the Ascendant in the game and meeting with the King is trying at least to try to communicate. For the moment though, this episode wants to focus on Archie.

Archie is out of jail, but that does not mean he's a free man. He has a full-fledged manhunt, which means he has to stay in the bunker. There are posters (with Archie's strong jaw) and everything. At least he'll be able to cuddle with Veronica while he's stuck here. Meanwhile, she is doing everything possible to clear her name, now that she knows that her father has paid the witnesses who accused Archie of murder. Outside, the investigation is intense and Sheriff Minetta prepares the students in clbad. It's so bad that Josie is in a crisis while Minetta threatens her future. Hmm, these are circulating recently.

Unfortunately, the series does not really do anything with that, nor really with Archie's hunt for man. We are told how serious it is, but rarely shown. Much of the plot is about Veronica, who, to be fair, is much more interesting than Archie does. She spends the episode looking for a way to exonerate Archie, and even that happens most of the time off screen. After finding some extremely obvious evidence that really should have been captured, such as Episode 2. The high school student is the only person to have noticed that, in the video of the witness's testimony, Sheriff Minetta's coffee disappears into one. moment. From there, just a quick tap to find the missing 10 minutes of footage proving a falsified testimony. Does the city of Riverdale make you actively more stupid as you get older?

For his part, Archie tries to find himself the three witnesses. Unfortunately, Hiram had the same idea and sent Sheriff Minetta to do his dirty work. By the time Archie and Kevin locate the three paid witnesses, they've all been shot. And since Archie is an eternal martyr, he blames himself for their death rather than, you know, the guy who shot them. Or the guy who ordered them to be shot. Archie continues to be the weakest light bulb Riverdale. Honestly, this whole story seemed a bit hasty. It's as if this season had spent too much time on the shirtless Archie in the fight club (and really, who can blame them?), Then realized that the mid-season finale was fast approaching and that they needed to update this arc quickly. By the time Riverdale we leave for the winter, Archie and Veronica must be separated and it is the work of this episode to lead us there.

Camila Mendes as Veronica and Lili Reinhart as Betty – Photo: Dean Buscher / The CW

The scene of the rupture leaves something to be desired and it is not the fault of the actors. After Veronica gets Archie 's acquittal, he calls her to tell him that he is leaving Riverdale. Camila Mendes does a fantastic job with this scene. She makes you feel angry, sad and heartbroken with her. The problem is that it is so far from the left field that the series has never won this level of emotion. It's as if it's happening because the plot requires it, not because it makes sense to the characters. But hey, I guess Archie and Veronica were late for a little fuss in their relationships. Maybe it would be more effective if it was not so obvious that it was temporary. The only good thing is that finally Kevin had something to do for this episode. Of course, he is trained by Archie, but he actually has more than one dialogue box this time. Progress!

Meanwhile, Betty is trying to make a real breakthrough on the mystery surrounding Griffins and Gargoyles. It does not get as much information as one might expect, but it explains at least. According to Penelope Blossom, Dilton Doily's father committed the act. But Dilton's father is dead. Damn. Penelope says that he was in love with her and put the dumpling with the poison in the calyx of the palace so that they could ride together. When she rejected him, she supposed he had thrown the poison, when he had just left it in the bathroom. Years later, Guilt reached him and he was killed with carbon monoxide. Betty, the best journalist she is, thinks it's a little too convenient. She is right too. After all the parents left without giving him any more information, she found Daryl Doily's autopsy report. He did not have carbon monoxide in his lungs. However, they found White Oleander. And there is only one member of the Midnight Club who has access to that.

Nathalie Boltt as Penelope Blossom – Photo: Dean Buscher / The CW

As amusing as this whole intrigue and investigation is, it's easy to be frustrated by the fact that every adult parses Betty. It is by will, when Betty asks her mother why she helped hide a murder, we are as frustrated as she is by the lack of answers. Still, it's old to watch the same scene happen again and again. Fortunately, by the time he starts to run out, the show begins with real fright. As Betty and Alice argue, the lights suddenly go out. The scene goes full horror movie here. Yell, specifically, with Jiffy Pop on the stove and everything. They investigate a knock on the door and of course, no one is there. This is because GARGOYLE KING IS INSIDE THE HOUSE! Although this is a tribute, it's a deceptively scary scene much more exciting than anything that has been done before. Fears do not stop there either. Betty and Alice run into Betty's room and FP goes out the window saying that he has heard screams. HUH! Where have we ever seen Skeet Ulrich in this situation? I'm not totally convinced that it's the Gargoyle King, but it certainly sounds suspicious.

Even if it means that FP is the Gargoyle King, it would not be the craziest G & G Twist in this episode. It comes later. Alice decides to no longer feel safe at home. She and Polly are going to run away to the Farm. Because nothing says security like the warm embrace of a cult. Even worse, she blames Betty for bringing the Gargoyle King in their pursuit. She sends Betty to a place where she will be safe: the Sisters of Quiet Mercy convent. Yes, we are going back. And Jughead will not even be able to save her because he's busy jumping on trains with Archie for whatever reason. However, Betty may have come closer to the truth. When she arrives at the convent, she is brought into a room where everyone is painting pictures of the Gargoyle King. Now it's a good idea. Well Riverdale, I am on board.

Madchen Amick in the role of Alice Cooper and Skeet Ulrich in the role of FP Jones – Photo: Dean Buscher / The CW

There may have been a few moments when all right did not work, but it was still a solid episode of Riverdale. I always like to watch Betty play police police, especially when she gives parents the chance to behave like the nasty cartoons that have ever existed. Even with the missed opportunity of the manhunt, this episode was filled with what we just had fun. Riverdale for. And if the great breakup of Varchie occurs in an episode like this, what could they have predicted for the next few weeks leading up to the mid-season finale?

Riverdale airs Wednesday at 8 pm on the CW

Previously on Riverdale:

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