Reports of Fresh Violence in Bale Goba, Southern Ethiopia


  Bale Goba Google Map
Bale Goba, Google Map

July 22,2018

Based on the report confirmed by the state media, EBC, Bale Goba, a part Oromo Regional State in Southern Ethiopia has been experiencing violence since yesterday.

A resident of the city told EBC on the phone that there had been an exchange of fire in the city. What we know from his point of view is that civilians are killed but details are available on the number of people killed and how they are killed.

The Federal Police and the Defense Force are deployed in the city to restore calm. According to the EBC report this afternoon

unconfirmed information in social media indicates that the violence is ethnic in nature and targets Amhara ethnicity. Unverified videos purporting to show the situation in Basel are also circulating on Facebook

Bale is known to be one of the few places in the region where the radical ethno-nationalist Oromo Liberation Front, who is fighting for the secession of Ethiopia, exerts influence. . Yet badysts warn that it is possible that counter-reform forces within the government are behind the violence.

Last month, the People's Democratic People's Organization of Oromo (OPDO), a party that governs the Oromo region of Ethiopia, fired and arrested more than 2,000 officials at the level of the zone and district for action or inaction with respect to the attack against ethnic-Amharas.

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