Rins, finalist of Jerez in MotoGP, amused by the marshal taking part in bike – MotoGP


Alex Rins said he was amused by the images of a Marshal of Jerez taking a minor component of his Suzuki MotoGP bike at the end of the Spanish Grand Prix.

Rins was second in the race and stopped on the track to celebrate. It was then that the camera on board his GSX-RR captured a track worker removing a small absorbing headband from the motorcycle's master cylinder and storing it in his pocket.

The images have been uploaded to social media. When asked when he had seen it, Rins laughed at the incident.

"I saw [the footage], Yes. It's incredible, "he said. I do not have the word to define it. [the component]This is the lid of the brake fluid reservoir on the handlebar.

"I'm sure it's already on Wallapop [a Spanish website for selling second-hand items] and they ask for 1000 € for that.

"In the article, it is written" Rins "and" 42 ". If I see it on sale on the Internet, I will buy it. I am ready for it. Exchange for a splint for the knee. "

It is understood that the marshal involved was identified by the circuit staff and was forced to return the item to Suzuki.

Rins' second place was the result of a ninth charge on the grid.

The winner of Austin declared that he was "fairly comfortable" for the day of the race at Jerez, knowing that he had a pace similar to that of his future winner, Marc Marquez.

But Rins admitted that overtaking riders, especially Andrea Dovizioso's Ducati, cost him too much time.

"We had an incredible race, and before the race began, the whole team and I knew that the pace was more or less the same as Marc's," said Rins. "I was pretty comfortable.

"What is unique is that I needed to try to overtake quickly and I lost a lot of time with Dovizioso.The Ducati bike brakes very hard and its acceleration is rather pleasant.

"Anyway, I doubled the riders and I did a lot of tricks in front of Marc with Marc, waiting to wait if he made mistakes.

"But anyway, the second position was incredible for us."

His win in Austin and second place in Jerez mean Rins is now second in the championship, just one point behind leader Marquez.

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