Seven ways to beat a sore throat this winter | Life and style


Rest your body and your voice

Sore throats are very common and usually heal of themselves in a week. Having a good night's sleep always helps to fight the infection. The NHS recommends that people with sore throats stay well hydrated, although hot drinks should be avoided. Sucking ice cubes, ice lollies or hard candies can soothe inflammation.

Relieve discomfort with over-the-counter options

If you do not feel comfortable, take paracetamol or ibuprofen. There are also medicated lozenges for sore throat and over-the-counter anesthetic sprays that claim to target throat pain with anti-inflammatories. The NHS warns that "there is little evidence that they help," but a 2011 study of two different types of drug lozenges revealed that they provide relief and mitigate pain and difficulty swallowing in minutes ; the effects lasted up to two hours after the dose administration.

Make your own gargle

Gargling with warm salt water can help reduce inflammation. (It is not recommended for children.) Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a partially cooled glbad of boiled water, gargle with the solution, and then spit it out. Repeat if necessary. "It's inexpensive and anyone can do it at home – I recommend it to most patients," says Abraham Khodadi, a prescriber pharmacist who publishes weekly health articles on YouTube under the name of Abraham the Pharmacist.

Do not badume that you need antibiotics

Most sore throats are caused by a virus and therefore can not be treated with antibiotics, even if they are prescribed anyway. Last year, sore throats accounted for nearly a quarter of prescriptions for inappropriate antibiotics in England. These prescriptions contribute to the global threat of antibiotic resistance. US researchers reported in 2013 that between 1997 and 2010, about 60% of patients with sore throat had received antibiotics, while only 10% needed it. Viral sore throats are accompanied by other common cold symptoms, including runny nose, cough, red or watery eyes, and sneezing. The symptoms of streptococcal pharyngitis, "strep throat", a bacterial infection are similar, but probably more serious and can accompany a high temperature or a sensation of heat. and chills..

Watch for irritants

Smoking cigarettes can cause sore throat by irritating the trachea. "When an irritant is introduced into the system, the body tries to get rid of it by coughing, which can cause further inflammation," says Khodadi. Smoking also decreases immunity, which can result in recurrent viral and bacterial infections, and weakens the lower esophageal sphincter between the stomach and the esophagus (or the alimentary tube), causing acid reflux from the stomach can irritate the throat. Pollution or irritants in the air, allergies, dry air and temperature changes, such as the transition from a heated office to an icy environment, are other causes from a sore throat.

You can protect yourself from sore throats by having a healthy and balanced diet, says Khodadi, and taking a flu shot. This should reduce the need for supplements in otherwise healthy people, although Public Health England has suggested taking a daily vitamin D supplement in the winter, which could help boost immunity.

See a health professional

The new NHS / PHE campaign, Help us help you, is intended to remind people this winter that pharmacists have the right clinical training to respond to most sore throats. Until the end of the winter, more than 200 Superdrug pharmacies in Britain also offer a free 10-minute sore throat consultation service, which may include a swab test to determine if the problem is viral or bacterial. Find your nearest participating agency online. If your sore throat persists beyond a week or is recurrent, consult your doctor.

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