Special Game of Thrones meeting officially confirmed


It has finally been confirmed that we will have a Game of thrones Special meeting next year, featuring many new and old cast members.

Sean Bean, a Ned Stark actor, has already talked about it, but we have not yet received official news from HBO. Now, thanks to Weekly entertainment, we have.

However, it does not seem that the meeting is broadcast on the network itself, but instead exclusively reserved for the box. Game of thrones seasons 1-8.

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Which basically means that fans will have to collect a good amount of money to participate in this special event (otherwise, you could go to your friend who has already bought it!).

Bean – who recently predicted that Stark would survive the fantasy epic – recalled the origin of the special meeting: "Conan O. Brien did this thing, it was the last episode, so we all together.

"It was good, it's funny with work, we do not stay in touch, we do so many types of jobs in this part of the world, it's like when I see old friends or even old friends. from the theater school, it's just the same, we pick up where we left off last time. "

Ned Stark


"They decided to gather all the characters for a moment for this great show in Belfast and [Conan] kind of organized the evening, "added Bean.

Game of thrones Season 8 will debut in April 2019. The show airs on HBO in the US and Sky Atlantic and NOW TV in the UK. Season 7 is now available on DVD, Blu-ray or digital download.

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