Tesla extends employee tests of its updated hardware on autopilot


Musk first called on testers in September, asking between 100 and 200 volunteers to introduce themselves and join the internal testing program. It is not entirely clear if he only proposes to equip newly purchased Teslas with a fully-fledged autonomous system, at no cost, since ELECTrek indicates that the company will modernize participants' cars with new equipment.

The full self-driving capacity package costs $ 8,000 in addition to the price of the car itself. In his message to employees, Musk apparently repeated that all employees and customers who ordered the package would benefit from a free upgrade to the Tesla Autopilot Hardware 3 computer. The CEO said that Hardware 3 had "over 1000% more capacity than HW2 (Hardware 2)".

Tesla asks for hundreds of hours of feedback from the driver in exchange for free installation, telling employees that this is the last time he has made this offer. Musk apparently hopes to collect enough data to be able to develop and deploy features that will allow full autonomy by the end of 2019. The CEO is known to be a bit over optimistic about deadlines, however, Tesla owners may want to to temper their expectations.

Here is part of Musk's message:

"Tesla needs a few hundred additional internal participants in the comprehensive self-driving program, which is about to speed up significantly with the introduction of computer-to-network Neural designed by Tesla (known internally as Hardware 3.)!

If you choose to participate in the program and provide feedback on improvements to the autopilot team, the cost of $ 8,000 of the EHR will be removed. This is a first acquisition and will end as soon as we have enough participants. this is the last time the offer will be made. "

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