"The Band's Visit" to End Broadway Tour


"The Band's Visit", a musical in a small Israeli town that won 10 Tony Awards last year, will end its Broadway tour on April 7th.

The New York Times reported that although the play was relatively successful on Broadway and had a national tour scheduled to begin in June, it failed to attract a large enough audience to support a "long broadcast".

"[I]Its subtle tone and subtle narrative line have proved difficult for Broadway, a city with a coppery air … where ticket buyers are mainly tourists attracted to shows with more great or larger brands, "wrote Michael Paulson.

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The show, which won the Tony Award for Best Music, describes a meeting between a group of Arab musicians from an Egyptian police group and residents of a small fictional Israeli town, and has received critical acclaim from critics. It was adapted from an Israeli movie of 2007 by Eran Kolirin.

Three of the show's main stars – Katrina Lenk, Tony Shalhoub and Ariel Stachel – won the Tony Awards for their performances, in addition to its director, composer and writer.

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