The Ethiopian Orthodox Church will send a team to the United States for reconciliation talks


  Abune-Mathias July 11, 2018 – The Ethiopian Orthodox Church of Tewahedo has announced its intention to send a delegation to the United States for reconciliation negotiations with exiled members of the United States. church, according to the FBC. these discussions.

The announcement was made today by Abune Mathias, Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church

It should be noted that the 4th Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church left the country, with some religious leaders, at the beginning of the EPRDF's domination

Abune Mathias says that the church has made efforts to come to terms with the Ethiopian calendar of 2003 to restore peace between the two synods.

According to the Patriarch, the team will hold discussions and facilitate the return of the exiled synod. .

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