The head of the Chinese state planning said he wants to strengthen its support for the economy


December 23, 2018 11:26 (UTC + 04: 00)


By Trend

The head of China's largest economic planning agency has announced that he will implement more support measures to revive the economy, especially in the advanced manufacturing sector, the magazine said. Trend, quoting Reuters.

China will vigorously support the private sector and solve the financing difficulties of private enterprises, said He Lifeng, chairman of the Commission for Development and Reform of the Chinese government, quoted by the Xinhua News Agency, as saying. 39, an end of year conference.

China will maintain its economic growth within a reasonable range and will actively manage external risks and challenges, said the Chinese premier.

He added that China would also accelerate the restructuring of traditional industries and increase its financial support to provide medium and long-term capital for the technological transformation of manufacturing companies.

China's economic growth slowed to 6.5% in the third quarter, its slowest pace since the global financial crisis. The government has launched a series of measures, including cuts in reserve requirements for banks, tax cuts and more infrastructure spending to avoid a sharp deceleration of the world's second-largest economy.

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