The White House holds a discussion on innovation with CEOs of the technology sector


The Trump administration and the world of technology have had a stormy relationship. The president has made allegations of bias against several companies and several CEOs, including Schwarzman, left his advisory boards last year as a result of disagreements with the administration and the president. In addition, companies and their leaders have also spoken out against Trump's decision to abandon the Paris climate agreement and his administration's support for the repeal of net neutrality.

The White House meeting comes a day after the scheduled date of Pichai's testimony in Congress. It should discuss bias, privacy issues and Google's plans to create a censored search engine for China. The CEO was also asked to testify on election and security interference in September, but Google has suggested to his chief legal counsel, which had been rejected by the Senate's Intelligence Committee.

According to the Wall Street newspaper, topics on the table next week could include AI, 5G and quantum computing.

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