Tour de France: Livid Froome curses the cop after falling off the bike


  Chris Froome curses the cop of the Tour de France
Chris Froome rides his personal bodyguard at the 2018 Tour de France.
Daniel McMahon / Business Insider

Chris Froome, Best Runner cycling stage, can suddenly Do not take a break at the Tour de France, a race that he has won four times.

After Wednesday's 17th stage, Froome was coming down on his bus when a policeman apparently took him for a spectator and, in a moment of confusion, toppled the champion.

Froome was visibly upset, shouting "F — you!" to the cop:

There were photos on Twitter of Froome's bike on the ground, as well as his personal bodyguard:

"It was a misunderstanding – Chris is fine," said one representative of Team Sky. .

Earlier, Froome's teammate and Tour leader Geraint Thomas had their own problems when a spectator seemed to reach his arm directly on the race path:

There were a number of # 39, similar incidents to Froome and his team at this turn. As AFP reported, "in the midst of a general feeling of suspicion surrounding Sky and their Tower dominance, Froome was spewed and mistreated, Thomas was booed on the podium, and some Sky staff members were also mistreated. "

But Froome's problems began well before the start of the Tour.

He hardly ever had the opportunity to run because of a positive test result which revealed that he had exceeded the limit for the drug against the drug. Asthma, salbutamol, at the Vuelta a España last year. At the last minute, after months of waiting, it was laundered.

The case seemed to embarrbad most people, and it did a lot of damage to him and his Sky team on the roads around France.

As AFP also reported, world cycling chief David Lappartient called on Sky's boss, Dave Brailsford, to stop flaming the flames after blaming his team and its runners a "French cultural thing".

This week, Travis Tygart, of the US Anti-Doping Agency, the same who shot Lance Armstrong, told the BBC that the treatment of the Froome case had been a blow to the credibility of the World Anti-Doping Agency.

Jonathan Vaughters, the boss of the EF-Drapac team, told Business Insider at the Tour that Sky was "opaque, arrogant, abusive".

The Tour champion entered the greatest cycling race on July 7 as a favorite, but after a mediocre performance in the Alps and Pyrenees, he was third, 2 minutes and 31 seconds behind his teammate Thomas, who seems virtually ready to win the race on Sunday.

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