Trailer of Artemis Fowl: First Look at Disney's Position on Anti-Hero


The first look at the film Artemis Fowl is here.

The popular fantasy series of Irish author Eoin Colfer was chosen for a movie in 2001, but she spent many years between studios and screenwriters before finding a home at Disney and director Kenneth Branagh in 2015. The newcomer Ferdia Shaw badumes the role of holder, Josh Gad and Judi Dench becoming respectively Mulch Diggums and Commander Root. Lara McDonnell (Love Rosie) will play Captain Holly Short.

The series of books follows Artemis Fowl, the 12-year-old criminal brain, who discovers the world of fairies and decides to steal them. Contrary to previous rumors, the film will cover only the events of the first book.

The trailer shows a brief overview of Artemis himself, focusing instead on the constitution of his background. There is also a look at one of the fairies against which Artemis is struggling throughout the film, as one narrator explains.

Artemis Fowl is released on August 9, 2019.

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