Tunisia retaliates after Zimbabwe rugby team has slept in the streets before qualifying | sport


Tunisian rugby leaders accused the Zimbabwe delegation of "unethical actions" after players slept in the streets before the World Cup qualifier. in Beja

The Zimbabwean party was infuriated by what it considered to be a poor quality of accommodation at the hotel, while claiming to have suffered a six-hour delay on issues visas after his arrival in Tunisia. The Rugby Rugby Federation declared: "The Tunisian Rugby Federation expresses its deep regret for this unfortunate event and deeply deplores the anti-sports and immoral actions of the Zimbabwean delegation, which do not reflect the close ties of friendship between the two countries … "

A strongly expressed statement dealt specifically with hotel and visa issues. "It is important to note that the delegation of Zimbabwe started complaining as soon as it arrived at the airport of Tunis Carthage", reads in the same issue

"Indeed, the responsible of team refused to pay anyone (about £ 17) on the pretext that it did not have the amount requested, knowing that the Tunisian federation had previously informed Rugby Africa to inform them of all these procedures that go beyond the the prerogatives of the union

of the delegation persisted in not paying these costs, which caused a long wait for the members of the delegation and a delay of four hours.

"It was necessary to contact the director General Rugby Africa, who spoke chief of the Zimbabwe delegation, who subsequently agreed to pay the visa fee bill.

"It is important to note that these visa procedures are common among African countries."

"After a lunch offered by the Tunisian federation to his guests, an air-conditioned bus transfer was provided for members of the Zimbabwe delegation to the city of Beja.

" Around 2300, the head of the delegation Zimbabwean has reservations about the state of the bathroom. rooms, lack of a pool and low speed internet. So he started talking about leaving the hotel on the pretext that he was not decent enough for his team.

"The prompt intervention of the president and three members of the organizing committee was not enough to calm him down and convince him to spend the rest of the night at the hotel, ensuring that that he finds solutions the next morning with the possibility of changing hotel.

"Instead, he asks all the members of the delegation to take out their luggage, to leave the room. hotel at night outside on the floor.

Brian Mujati
(@ MujatiBrewing)

Zimbabwe National Rugby Team forced to sleep on the streets of Tunisia … @WorldRugby ? pic .twitter.com / MGcug87P0l

3 July 2018

"At 0630, and after the efforts and interventions of the organizing committee and members of the Tunisian Federation, the Zimbabwe team was transferred to another hotel, where they expressed satisfaction with apologia Rugby Africa and the Tunisian Rugby Federation first apologized to the Zimbabwe delegation.

Saturday's match is part of the African rugby competition Gold Cup, with Rugby Africa's Rugby Africa, said: "We want to rebadure the Zimbabwean Ministry of Sports, the Zimbabwe Rugby Union and all partners and supporters that the situation has been immediately resolved, and an accepting solution able has been found.

"This [situation] does not reflect the standards of the Rugby Africa Gold Cup competition and we sincerely regret any prejudice caused."

Six African countries – Zimbabwe, Namibia, Tunisia, Morocco, Kenya, and Uganda – remain in the picture of qualifying for the World Cup next year in Japan.

Namibia are firm favorites to automatically advance current qualifications, while the final runner-up will move to the qualifying draft later this year.

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