Two out of three Danes suffer physical pain at work – The Post


Retreats were a topic that was much discussed in the recent general election – especially the nature of the work Mette Frederiksen and Socialdemokratiet would approve for early retirement.

Should it be reserved for those occupying physically demanding jobs, such as masons and scaffolders, or mentally draining jobs, such as those of teacher or social worker?

In the confusion, Frederiksen was clear on the fact that you had to be exhausted to be taken into account for early retirement.

The misery with the mouse
Well, a new adjustable wrench has been thrown into the machinery today, as an investigation by a HK union reveals that two out of three Danes in office jobs suffer from physical pain – caused by sit in front of a computer all day mouse and exert pressure on the back, neck and shoulders.

Tina Lambretch, head of the physio badociation Danske Fysioterapeuter, acknowledges that the injuries and pain caused by office work are a growing problem.

"One could say that two-thirds of the HK statistics who feel exhausted or suffer are an important part, but again, it does not surprise me if you compare it to the rest of the audience," Lambretch told A4 arbejdsmiljø.

READ ALSO: Report: People with a long working life are less exhausted

Night shift
Sisse Marie Welling, Deputy Mayor of Health and Care Copenhagen, announced her intention to tackle the problems badociated with unhealthy night work.

Welling argues that the standard practice of seven consecutive night teams is too harsh, requiring fewer consecutive nights (up to four), fewer physical tasks, and the ability to nap at work.

Welling indicates research that indicates that there is a link between night work and the risk of developing diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease, as well as an increase in work-related injuries.

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