Video summary of the UFC Adelaide: Junior dos Santos wins the TKO against Tai Tuivasa


Former UFC heavyweight champion, Junior dos Santos, had a slow start, but managed to give up and finish his hope, Tai Tuivasa, on the ground halfway through the second run of the main event of UFC Adelaide. This is the first KO victory in five years and the first loss of Tuivasa's career. As for JDS, he's on a two-game winning streak for the first time since he's champion and he wants revenge with Alistair Overeem.

Watch the highlights in the videos below.

Here is Tim Burke's play-by-play arrival:

2nd round – Tuivasa lands behind the ear with a right hook. He has just sneaked inside. JDS with a counter on the left. Tuivasa misses another right hook and JDS leaves the fence. They exchange stockings. Tuivasa goes to the body. JDS scores with a left lead. He continues and hurts Tuivasa while he is unbalanced! He goes down! Dos Santos jumps into lateral control with elbows. He climbs and drops tons of punches. Tuivasa is stuck and the referee intervenes.

Junior dos Santos defeated Tai Tuivasa via TKO (keystrokes), 2:30 of the 2nd round

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