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The Ethiopian Council of Ministers approved the draft law against terrorism, after lengthy deliberation to insert amendments, announced today a statement from the Prime Minister's Office.

Criticized because it allegedly restricted the democratic space in the African nation, the project was questioned and examined by legal professionals, academics, members of non-governmental organizations and representatives political parties.

According to the official communication, the federal prosecutor's office drafted the legislation, which fills the gaps of the one established in 2009, and whose main objective is to protect the peace and security of the population, in addition to fighting against extremist groups and prevent acts of genocide.

It also states that the new provision includes respect for the independence of the judiciary and institutions, protects the rights of citizens and is consistent with the provisions of the country's constitution.

The definition of the concept of terrorism, the conditions for the application of the law, the basic principles of criminal law in this area and the legal standards against international terrorism were among the most debated topics in the debate.

After having corrected certain principles and introduced several amendments during its 68th ordinary session, the Council sent the bill to Parliament, which will decide on its approval and the date of its application.

(Prensa Latina)

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