Westminster Abbey urged by African ambassador to deliver relics looted


The Ethiopian ambbadador to the UK said that the tabot – a tablet depicting the Ark of the Covenant and the Ten Commandments – belonged to an Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

Hailemichael Aberra Afework told The Art Newspaper: "We urge all those who


"This includes the tabot held at Westminster Abbey.

" We renew the call for restitution and ask the abbey to return this object sacred, which has so much significance in Ethiopia. "

Made of wood or stone, it is customary for any Ethiopian Orthodox church to hold a tabot.They remain covered and can not be seen by the priests."

The Tabot at Westminster Abbey was offered a gift after being taken by soldiers who fought against Abyssinia during the Battle of Magdala in 1868.


The head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Abune Paulos, met with the Receiver General of the Abbey in 2007, when he claimed the return of the tabot.

A spokesman for Westminster Abbey told the Prime Minister: The Dean and the Chapter are very aware of the sensitivity of the Ethiopian taboos, so steps were taken a few years ago for s & # Ensure that the tabot, which is in a sacred place, is properly covered and can not be seen by anyone.

They add that there is "no plan to change these arrangements".

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