Why the great Cristiano Ronaldo of Manchester United has joined Juventus


Ryan Giggs, the big Manchester United, thinks he knows the real reason why Cristiano Ronaldo decided to leave Real Madrid

The Portuguese legend left the Champions League this week after nine years at the Bernabeu.

Ronaldo has signed four He believes that his former teammate Old Trafford has made the necessary to prove that he is better than his rival Lionel Messi

. The Barcelona legend continues to fight Ronaldo to be considered the best player in the sport

Some skeptics believe that the fact that Messi only played for Barcelona hinders his illustrious titles while Ronaldo won the Champions League in two different countries. And Giggs believes that Ronaldo's plan to win with Juventus is fueled by the desire to be the best of all.

"I'm surprised that he left Real Madrid" I think it's a big challenge for him, but he goes into a huge club. Having this on your resume : Real Madrid, United Man, Juventus – it's a resume

"He is obsessed with being better than Messi He has this now, that," I l? did in England, I did it in Spain, I will do it in Italy … I did it with Portugal. "

" So maybe that will be his argument when [he asks himself]: "Am I better than Messi?"

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