Wild Parsnip Causes Burns and Serious Blisters on Vermont Woman's Legs


Charlotte Murphy suffered injuries similar to second-degree chemical burns following a brief encounter with wild parsnips. She shared the story of her ordeal to warn others to stay away from the invasive plant. ( Charlotte Murphy | Facebook )

A Vermont woman shares her story after a brief encounter with wild parsnip on the side of the road turned into a medical emergency due to severe burns. How does an invasive plant cause injury comparable to second-degree chemical burns?

Roadside Encounter

On July 15, Charlotte Murphy of Vermont recounted how she had severe burns and blisters just because of a brief encounter with wild parsnips. In a Facebook post, Murphy shared that she had not realized that her leg had been in contact with wild parsnips, especially with her broken leaves, the day she had the encounter.

Although she knew what it was, she was not aware of the contact she was still going with her activities that involved being in the sun. A few days later, painless bumps began to appear, but she continued to do outdoor activities. However, redness and swelling quickly followed, causing scratches to the area even while she was sleeping and she woke up with blisters on her leg.

That day, the blisters continued to swell and she swelled up to walk. She was then taken to emergency care where she was treated for burns that were clearly comparable to second-degree chemical burns.

Raising Awareness

Murphy is Expected recovering completely as the burns spread to his other leg, fingers and arms. She is grateful to her medical team for all the care and badistance that she has received, and she also wants to publicize the dangers of coming in contact with wild parsnips. Because of her experience, she urges members of the public to be on the lookout for wild parsnips this summer and to seek immediate help in case of skin contact.

According to her, the burns would have been less severe if she had washed her skin immediately after contact and had avoided sunlight the following days

Wild Parsnip

The seemingly innocent plant Murphy has encountered is wild parsnip (pastinaca sativa), an invasive plant in the carrot family. It is a large biennial plant that can grow to 5 feet and dies after releasing its seeds. It looks pretty like other plants like Queen Anne's Lace because of the bouquet of flowers just like the top, but its leaves, stems and flowers can cause rashes or other more serious reactions, especially when contact with the plant is coupled with

Just like giant hogweed, it is the sap of the plant that can cause photosensitivity, which can cause severe chemical burns, blisters and scars dark.

Wild parsnip seeds are often scattered along roadsides. and it usually blooms between June and July. It is the season when it is the easiest to identify the harmful invasive plant because of its cluster of yellow flowers, and also the moment when people have to be wary of them because the plant is more powerful when it blooms.

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