World Head and Neck Cancer Day: prevention and early detection are key | health


On the occasion of the World Head and Neck Cancer Day today, July 27, experts stress the need to prevent and detect the disease quickly so as not to let it go Flying

Statistics on head and neck cancer burden in India

Head and neck cancers are a major contributor to Indian health care burden with staggering incidence 149,782 patients in 2012 who, according to experts, are expected to increase by 23.76%.

A large majority includes the oral cavity (ASR) (age-standardized rate) of 7.2 per 100,000) followed by the pharynx (3.1 per 100.00). Bhopal has the highest ASR in the world in men for tongue (10.9 per 100.00) and oral cancers (9.6 per 100.00), while Trivandrum has the highest in the oropharynx.

A "Thyroid Cancer Belt" has been recognized in the western coastal districts of Goa, Karnataka and Kerala.

"The estimated prevalence of these cancers is a conservative estimate, as the actual incidence should be at least 1.5 to 2 times higher because of the low coverage of cancer registries.", States Dr. Pankaj Chaturvedi, Chief Cancer Surgeon (Head and Neck), Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai

Over the last 30 years, there has been a steady upward trend in the prevalence of these cancers, including the mouth. they are present in older men, but recent data suggest a shift to younger age groups, probably because of the increase in the number of people with an early age of initiation into habits

the mortality of these cancers has been reported to be quite high in our demographic, as most people are at an advanced stage, making them quite expensive for an emerging economy. like India

.The overall relative survival of five years of oral cavity cancer is 45.1%, the oropharynx of 29.7%, the hypopharynx of 29, 1% and larynx 41.2%;

Read also: How the mother of Arjun Rampal fought cancer and won

Causes of cancer of the head and neck in India

Most cancers of the head and neck are due to a combination of individual predilection and exposure to various carcinogens caused by lifestyle-related activities. Smoking, which enjoys broad social acceptance in the Indian community, has declined in recent years from 28.6% to 34.6%, with Khaini and Beedi being the most popular forms used. About twice the adult population uses smokeless tobacco compared to smoked tobacco. In addition, the average rural Indian consumes almost twice as much alcohol as the average global individual consumption per year (11.4 vs. 6.2 liters). Others include areca nut, poor oral hygiene, chronic dental trauma and HPV virus.

"The sharp tooth is one of the leading causes of wound development that can lead to serious conditions, even to oral cancer. We have an ulcer clinic that works in our hospital and those who notice an oral ulcer that does not heal should be screened, "says Dr. OP Kharbanda, director of the Institute's dental institute. Indian Medical Sciences Delhi.

Signs and symptoms of head and neck cancer in India

Symptoms depend on the growth area of ​​cancer. For the oral cavity, an obvious ulcer growth or non-healing, especially at the smoking site, are the most commonly given indicators by the patient. Oropharyngeal cancers are often manifested by significant swelling of the neck and a slight change in voice due to obstruction of the amygdala or the base of the tongue. For the larynx, a change of voice and / or dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), as well as different degrees of difficulty in breathing, are common symptoms. The presentation with radiant pain, rapid progression, numbness, bleeding and regional nodal swelling all suggest progression of the disease.

Preventive Strategies for Head and Neck Cancer in India

The overall cost of cancer-related productivity loss in developing countries is $ 46.3 billion, while the cost of cancer-related productivity loss in developing countries is $ 46.3 billion. of the oral cavity is (Loss of $ 30,563 per death). Prevention and early detection is the most effective way to reduce the burden of disease in India.

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