World Hepatitis Day: Hepatitis C is 83% more common in North India, here is everything you need to know


More than 300 million people living with viral hepatitis are unaware most of the time that they are infected with hepatitis A, B or C, a group of diseases that affect the liver, resulting in suffering and death.

People in the WHO South-East Asia Region, including India, are infected with viral hepatitis unknowingly and are not receiving treatment, said today. 39, the World Health Organization, stating that urgent action was required to find, test and treat them

.  Day of Hepatitis


July 28 is celebrated as World Hepatitis Day with the idea of ​​## 39 "Invite people around the world to take action, raise awareness and join In the quest to find the" missing millions, "states their official website.

According to the WHO, liver disease continues to 39, being the 10th leading cause of death in India

On the eve of World Hepatitis Day, Dr. Poonam Khetrapal Singh, WHO Regional Director for South Asia -Is, estimates that less than one in ten people infected with the hepatitis virus worldwide they are affected by the condition.While less than 10% of those who know it receive a appropriate treatment.

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     ] World Hepatitis Day: Hepatitis It is 83% more common in North India, everything is there

    "This lack of awareness and treatment leads to advances in Hepatic lesions and can cause life-threatening conditions such as fibrosis and liver cancer, resulting in approximately 4.10 000 deaths in the region each year.

    "This also allows viral hepatitis to spread.In the entire region, an estimated 40 million people are living with chronic hepatitis B while 10 million are living with hepatitis C chronic. " She said that urgent action is needed to find, test and treat the missing millions suffering from viral hepatitis and reaching the goals set in the time of the Plan of Action Regional Office for South-East Asia.

     Day of Hepatitis


    At least 50% of infected people know their status and at least 75% of people diagnosed will receive treatment by 2020. "

    " Ninety percent or more of newborns should receive vaccination against hepatitis B dose, while at least 95 percent of children should complete the schedule of three doses of the vaccine. "In 2016, the Indian Society of Clinical Research (ICRH) said that hepatitis C (one of the most common strains of hepatitis), affects about 12 million people in India

      Day of hepatitis


    A recent report of these noted that hepatitis C infections are 83% more prevalent among people living in northern India.An alarming report showed that among people living in northern India, hepatitis A and B are also prevalent with 41% and 52% respectively. Hepatitis B was more or less prevalent in all age groups between the ages of 16 and 85.

    In addition, the hepatitis E virus was diagnosed as the most common viral hepatitis (24%) in India, followed by the hepatitis A virus (11%), noted [19659002] The report also revealed that Hepatit C infection was more common in people aged 31 to 60 years, while hepatitis E and A infections were particularly common among young adults aged 16 to 30 years.



    According to the 2017 report shared by the WHO, India has 40 million people chronically infected with HIV / AIDS. Hepatitis B and about 12 million people chronically infected with hepatitis C.

    However, "more than 95% of people with chronic hepatitis do not know that". they are infected and, therefore, succumb to liver cirrhosis or cancer, "says Subhash Gupta, president of the Max Super Specialty Hospital, Saket.

    "The treatment process becomes extremely delayed because the diagnosis only takes place at the final stage" Gupta says.

     Feast of Hepatitis


    Viral hepatitis is an infection of the liver affected by five types of virus

    Hepatitis, with five types of viruses namely A, B, C, D and E, refers to inflammation of the liver and may be self-limiting or progression, causing liver fibrosis (scarring), cirrhosis or liver cancer

    The most common viruses (hepatitis A, B and C) are transmitted by contact with blood or other body fluids of an infected person.

     World Hepatitis Day: Hepatitis C is 83% more creeping in North India, everything is on it

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    The hepatitis C virus is caused by a virus that infects the liver and with time causes scarring of the liver, thus preventing it from functioning normally.

    The infection is usually contracted by exposure to injecting drugs, dangerous injection practices, transfusion of undiscected blood and blood products or badual contact with an infected person.

    Although hepatitis C is transmitted blood injections and blood transfusions hepatitis B can be transmitted through the blood and the exchange of bodily fluids.

     Day of Hepatitis


    Hepatitis A, on the other hand, is transmitted by the consumption of water / contaminated food or by direct contact with a person infected with. Fortunately, there are vaccines and drugs that can treat hepatitis A, B and C.

    Since there are no symptoms, it's easy to confuse the ### Hepatitis and Influenza

    Hepatitis can be difficult to detect because symptoms can persist largely unclear. It is easily confused with a chimney due to signs. Symptoms include fatigue, mild fever, muscle aches, loss of appetite, nausea, fatigue, dark urine, pale stools, jaundice and abdominal pain. 19659002] Reuters

    Not seeking treatment at the right time can cause cirrhosis of the liver and even liver cancer if ignored for too long.

    Blood tests are the most commonly used procedure for verifying liver enzymes, viral antibodies, and viral genetic material.

    Ultrasound tests are generally used to exclude the possibility of gallstones or cancer. A liver biopsy is performed if there is a sensation of liver damage.

     Day of hepatitis


    The treatment of viral hepatitis depends on the severity and type of 39 hepatitis you have.

    Viral hepatitis can be chronic or acute in nature. While the treatment of acute viral hepatitis involves rest, taking a lot of fluids and relieving your symptoms, chronic viral hepatitis involves taking drugs to eliminate the virus and measures to prevent other liver lesions.

    Combinations of injectable, oral and antiviral drugs are also used to treat chronic cases of hepatitis C.

    A balanced and healthy lifestyle with controlled consumption of alcohol and tobacco is necessary to fight the disease.

     Feast of Hepatitis


    In addition, maintaining the hygiene, avoiding the foods and the Roadside drinks, being careful in tattoo parlors and salons to avoid infections, washing your hands can help protect us from hepatitis, suggest the experts.

    There are also vaccines against hepatitis A and B such as hepatitis D. There is no vaccination for the common strain of the disease. Hepatitis C due to the different forms of this strain that make difficult the development of a strain.

    With the entries of IANS and PTI

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