Eugene Goodman, the Capitol Police officer who turned the crowd away, is a Harris escort


Eugene Goodman, a Capitol Police officer who was captured on video facing members of the mob who violated the Capitol on January 6 and prevented them from entering the Senate Chamber and potentially saving lives, a was elevated to No. 2 Security Officer in the Senate for inaugural events on Wednesday.

As Acting Deputy Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate, Officer Goodman, a black man who repelled a predominantly white crowd, was part of the official escort accompanying Vice President Kamala Harris to the platform at the outside the Capitol where she was sworn in in the second in the country. -the highest office.

The mention of his name was greeted with loud applause as he appeared at the arched entrance where rioters had entered the building exactly two weeks earlier.

Officer Goodman, who was filmed and pictured drawing crowds away from the Senate Chamber’s unguarded doors a minute before they were locked, has been hailed as a hero on Capitol Hill for preventing the invaders to enter the chamber while the senators were still inside. Agent Goodman’s actions gave lawmakers time to evacuate to a safe place before rioters could enter.

A bipartisan trio of lawmakers introduced a bill that would award Agent Goodman the Congressional Gold Medal for his bravery during the rampage.

Following the Jan.6 siege, a serious security failure, top Capitol Hill security officials – including House and Senate sergeants-at-arms – have resigned, with permanent successors to be appointed.


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