Even with high vaccination rates, only 20% of SF office workers returned to work in person


About a fifth of office workers in the San Francisco Bay Area have returned to the office, which is below the national average and less than half the ratio of Austin employees.

The national average is around 33% for the week of July 14, with the Austin metropolitan area far ahead of the rest at 52.7% and the San Francisco metropolitan area at 20.8%.

The data, revealed in a report from the San Francisco Comptroller’s Office, comes from security firm Kastle Systems. They have been tracking worker data since the start of the pandemic and find that office occupancy nationwide is slowly increasing again – but still has a way to go before reaching pre-market levels. pandemic.

Factors contributing to the gap between the areas remain unclear, especially as more than 75% of San Franciscans aged 12 and older were fully vaccinated on Thursday – one of the highest vaccination rates in the country.

Texas may have insisted on reopening state businesses, ending a mask mandate and capacity restrictions earlier than most of the country. According to Kastle’s data, most non-Texas metropolitan areas, including Los Angeles, New York and Chicago, hover around the 30% mark, still higher than San Francisco but not drastically.

It may also very well be that technology, the dominant industry in the San Francisco Bay Area, continues to promote remote working even as more San Franciscans are vaccinated.

After all, most of the behemoths in the industry, including Facebook and Salesforce, have encouraged workers to continue working remotely even when the pandemic ends. (Apple is the notable exception, sparking outcry from employees.)

Kastle Systems did not immediately respond to a request for comment from SFGATE.


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