Ex-Rep. Paul Mitchell, who left the GOP against Trump, dies


Former Michigan Representative Paul MitchellPaul Mitchell Former Rep. Paul Mitchell Announces Kidney Cancer Diagnosis Unnamed Law Enforcement Banned Under New NDAA Growing number of House Republicans ready to vote by proxy MORE, who left the Republican Party last year at the expense of the former President TrumpDonald Trump McConnell denounces Biden’s “botched exit” from Afghanistan Graham said Biden’s attacks on Hunter did not satisfy Trump supporters: Beltway report signaling withdrawal from Afghanistan a disservice to Americans MORErefusing to accept the 2020 election results, has died at the age of 64 after a battle with kidney cancer.

Mitchell died on Sunday, according to a statement from his wife, Sherry Mitchell.

“I am immensely proud of him and never more than when he was the only voice in a sea of ​​politicians who cared more about power than the true definition of office. When he remained the only voice and ignored threats from those who pretended to be his friends, ”his wife wrote. “Paul stood up for what matters most, it had nothing to do with political ideology and everything to do with maintaining our humanity. For everyone.”

Mitchell, who was part of the House Minority Leader management team Kevin mccarthyKevin McCarthy GOP lawmakers blast Biden over Afghanistan collapse The GOP has become a reckless public health party, but that could change (R-Calif.), Did not run for a third term in the House in 2020, highlighting partisan bickering and the stalemate in Washington.

But in December, just a month later President BidenJoe Biden International community calls for “safe and orderly departure” of foreign nationals and Afghans Taliban take power as Washington debates what went wrong Haiti earthquake toll drops to nearly 1,300 dead and 5 700 injured PLUSTrump’s victory over Trump, Mitchell said he was making the unusual decision to quit the GOP altogether and become independent.

In a letter to McCarthy and the Chairman of the Republican National Committee Ronna mcdanielRonna Romney McDanielGOP President: Trump “Still Leading the Party” Former Detroit Police Chief Steps Into Gubernatorial Race Whitmer Has Raised $ 0.5 Million So Far in 2021 MORE, another Michigander, Mitchell called directly on Trump and his GOP allies for continuing to cast doubt on the presidential election results.

Weeks later, the United States Capitol was ransacked by a violent mob of Trump worshipers trying to prevent Congress from certifying Biden’s victory.

“It is unacceptable that political candidates treat our electoral system as if we are a third world nation and instigate distrust of something as basic as the sanctity of our vote,” Mitchell said in his statement announcing that he was defecting from the GOP. “Furthermore, it is unacceptable for the President to attack the Supreme Court of the United States because his justices, both liberal and conservative, have not ruled with him or because ‘the court has let him down.’

“It was the goal of our founding fathers to isolate the Supreme Court from such blatant political motives.”

While there may have been isolated cases of voter fraud and administrative issues with the 2020 election, Mitchell continued, “the president and his legal team failed to provide substantial evidence of fraud or administrative failure on a scale large enough to have an impact on the outcome of the election. election. “

First elected to Congress the same year as Trump, Mitchell, a former business executive, was one of the richest members of Congress with an estimated net worth of nearly $ 180 million.

Besides his wife, he is survived by six children and six grandchildren.


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