EXCLUSIVE: The new OnePlus 7 Leakage Image Spotted, features seamless design


One of the most anticipated smartphones scheduled for release this year is the OnePlus 7 That's why it's not surprising that technology enthusiasts are constantly looking for new leaks, rumors and official discussions about it.

What new details do we have this time on the OnePlus 7? Well, apparently, a new picture of this leak has been shared online via Twitter.

The leaking image

A Twitter user from Shanghai, China, shared a leaked photo of the OnePlus 7 handset. The photo shows the front design of OnePlus 7, which has a non-notch design, implying that it might have a mechanism sliding selfie camera similar to what we have seen from other Chinese smartphone manufacturers.

Is the image legitimized?

For the moment, the tweet has accumulated 78 "I like" and 17 "retweets". However, the media questioned the authenticity of the image.

As reported by BGR:

"…the person responsible for the leak has no experience report on non-commercial devices, and he did not explain where he got the image, which questioned his authenticity.".

Even in its comments section, Twitter users have asked the source for this image. There are even some who think that this could be a fake.

"seems to be wrong."-Harsh (@ harshp2510)

"Seems wrong. how the home screen can rotate upside down and even if we assume that it is a cursor, its rotation will be of no use, but perhaps for test purposes."-Jagjeet Singh Chawla (@ SonuChawla216)

"it is not a plus 7 …. probably a fake …"-Parvesh (@ parvesh90_saini)

Comparing it to the previous leak

Last month there was a leakage image of OnePlus 7 has been spotted. It also has a full screen design. The only difference is the thickness of the bezel.

Note: The device on the left is OnePlus 7, while the device on the right is the OnePlus 6T.

When can we expect it?

If we are going to rely on the versions of the previous models, we can expect that OnePlus 7 to be published around the beginning of the year between May and June.

  • OnePlus 3 – June 2016
  • OnePlus 5 – June 2017
  • OnePlus 6 – May 2018

What do you think of the image? Do you think it's really the OnePlus 7? Tell us in the comment section below.


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