FAA demands emergency inspection of all Boeing 777s after in-flight explosion tears engine to pieces


Federal Aviation Administration Administrator Steve Dickson has ordered the agency’s aviation safety experts to issue an emergency airworthiness directive requiring “immediate or intensified inspections of Boeing 777 aircraft equipped with certain Pratt & engines. Whitney PW4000 ”.

“This will likely mean some planes will be taken out of service,” FAA Administrator Steve Dickson said in a statement posted on Twitter.

According to the FAA, aviation safety experts are meeting on Sunday evening to finalize the details of the order and accompanying service bulletins to ensure the correct planes are included. The exact details of the inspection will be specified in the emergency order.


The move follows a United Airlines flight that suffered an engine failure after taking off from Denver International Airport on Saturday, but landed safely after dropping debris over northern Colorado.

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A Boeing spokesperson did not immediately return FOX Business’s request for comment.

This is a developing story. Please come back for updates.


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