FAA orders Boeing 777s to be inspected after engine failure on United flight


Residents take photos of fallen debris from the engine of a United Airlines plane in the Broomfield neighborhood outside Denver, Colorado on February 20, 2021. A United Airlines flight suffered a severe engine failure on February 20 , shortly after taking off from Denver on February 20. on its way to Hawaii, dropping massive debris on a residential area before an emergency landing safely, officials said.

Chet Strange | AFP | Getty Images

The Federal Aviation Administration chief said on Sunday that the agency would order inspections of some Boeing 777 airliners after a United Airlines plane suffered an engine failure shortly after takeoff from Denver.

United has said it will voluntarily take its 24 active Boeing 777s powered by the same Pratt and Whitney engines out of service temporarily.

United Flight 328 made an emergency landing at Denver International Airport shortly after takeoff on Saturday afternoon. No one was injured on board, but debris, including what appeared to be the large engine cover, was found outside a nearby house.

“We have reviewed all the safety data available as a result of yesterday’s incident. Based on the initial information, we concluded that the inspection interval should be increased for the hollow fan blades which are unique. to this engine model, used only on Boeing 777 aircraft, “FAA Administrator Steve Dickson said in a statement.

The National Transportation Safety Board and the FAA are investigating the incident.


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