Facebook ban: Trump juggling retweets and tweeting his thoughts


President Donald Trump seemed to spend a lot of time Saturday morning on Twitter, retweeting Islamophobic content and sharing tweets defending far-right activists recently banned from Facebook.

The president has retweeted a video of Deep State Exposed, a straight account that contains many tweets and theories of the Islamophobic plot, including related to QAnon. The account's author, Jeremy Stone, mentions in his Twitter biography that the president has retweeted it nine times.

As Vox's Jane Coaston explained, QAnon is a tangled group of conspiracy theories including secret claims that influential Democrats are closely watched, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is a CIA asset, and President Trump is waging a hidden war against a powerful and hidden "deep state" working to mistreat children and enslave the American people.

In the tweet retweeted by the president Saturday, Stone falsely declared that "the elite" proclaims that America must submit to Islam or otherwise. "

This is not the first time that Trump shares Islamophobic content. In 2017, he retweeted three anti-Muslim propaganda videos originally published by Jayda Fransen, leader of a far-right British political party called Britain First. More recently, the President posted a video on Twitter that attempted to link Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) to the September 11 attacks. Omar reportedly received death threats while the video went viral.

Other Trump retweets have defended far-right members who have either seen their social media accounts suspended or have been outright banned in recent days.

Paul Joseph Watson, editor of the right-wing website, Infowars, was banned from Facebook on Thursday, along with site leader Alex Jones. Watson may be best known outside the right circles for tweeting a video used by White House press secretary Sarah Sanders to try to ban CNN's Jim Acosta at press briefings in November 2018.

Infowars has been banned from Twitter, YouTube, Apple, Facebook and Instagram for disseminating false information. however, the personal accounts of some contributors to the site remain active on certain social media networks.

On Friday, Watson complained that he was banned from Facebook and Instagram, owned by Facebook, and added a link to a video on YouTube in which the editor congratulates the tech giant for claiming the rights of First Amendment citizens are eroded. Trump retweeted this Saturday Saturday.

The president has again attacked news agencies he once criticized, calling the Washington Post, the New York Times, MSNBC and CNN by name. Just before doing so, however, he retweeted an analyst at conservative pro-Trump media group Sinclair Broadcasting, Sharyl Attkisson, who echoed Watson's concerns about censorship.

Against the theme of the "slippery slope," as Attkisson said, the right-wing presidential candidate Lauren Southern said the bans on the right-hand numbers are just the beginning.

As explained by Vox's Emily Stewart, the numbers on the right have long argued that Facebook and other social media companies were unfairly targeting them:

Conservatives have been complaining about social media censorship for a while and Facebook is struggling to respond. Part of that comes from a History of Gizmodo 2016 citing a former Facebook journalist who said the company's employees systematically repressed information of interest to conservative readers. Since then, Republicans and Silicon Valley have been engaged in a back and forth where the Conservatives are accusing platforms of bias and companies go out of their way to show that this is not the case. After the story of Gizmodo broke out, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg met with conservative leaders to discuss how the social network manages conservative content.

Before going on to talk about the economy, Trump had one last retweet: missives sent by Mindy Robinson, host of the show on the right. Red, White and F You: Patriotic without shame.

Robinson is complaining of the suspension of the conservative actor James Woods from Twitter. Partner of Woods tweeted in April that the actor's account had been suspended for tweeting: "If you're trying to kill the king, you'd better not miss it. #HangThemAll. "

As Robinson notes, Woods paraphrased Emerson; however, as she neglected to note, the second part of the actor's tweet could be considered a violation of Twitter's rules on violent speech.

Many Twitter accounts include the warning: "Retweets do not mean endorsements." The president's account does not contain this type of language. A tweet that he sent Saturday afternoon avoided the kind of fanatical content seen on some accounts that he retweeted in the morning it was clear that the president was building a broader point in sharing the tweets of these right-wing and conservative personalities:

By linking social media companies, media and Democrats, the president was able to attack three of his usual targets and strove to reinforce the idea that all three are against him and his supporters, which gives even greater credibility to the messages it has received. tweeted in the morning.


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