Facebook deploys website and smartphone design with groups in the center


<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Facebook (FB) announced Tuesday the reorganization of its desktop website and smartphone application, which places the functionality of its groups at the center of the social network experience. "Data-reactid =" 15 "> Facebook (FB) announced Tuesday a redesign of a desktop website and smartphone app its groups are at the center of the company's experience. social network.

The updated version of Facebook for mobile and desktop, called "FB5", will be simpler, faster and focuses on user communities, or Groups on the app and website, according to Facebook , which unveiled the new F8 developer website and annual conference app designs in San Jose, California. Facebook also announced several other features on Tuesday, including the opportunity to meet new friends on Facebook and extend the long-awaited feature of Facebook in 14 new countries.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Latest updates and Facebook enhancements announced Tuesday come about two months after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced his vision for messaging and "privacy-focused" social networks & nbsp;in a blog post. The general manager of Facebook pointed out that groups, private messaging and ephemera were the fastest growing areas of online communication. "Data-reactid =" 17 "> The latest round of updates and enhancements announced Tuesday comes about two months after Facebook, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has released his vision of messaging and networking "privacy-focused" in which he emphasized that groups, private messaging and ephemera were the fastest growing areas of online communication.

<h2 class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Put groups in the foreground"data-reactid =" 18 ">Put groups in the foreground

As Facebook evolves, it becomes a platform that allows users to do a lot of things: watch videos, sign up for events, and shop at the Marketplace. But as Zuckerberg wrote in early March, arguing for increased privacy protection on Facebook platforms, small groups are one of the fastest growing areas of the social network. Indeed, according to Facebook, more than 400 million people on Facebook now belong to a group.

"We regularly hear people telling us that groups are now an essential part of their Facebook experience," a Facebook spokesman told Yahoo Finance. "They are a daily resource for people to connect with things that matter to them – a place to share new recipes, learn what's happening in their neighborhood, or simply to create a bond of passion for dogs. . And they are also a place where people who share life events, such as moving, parenting or new careers, get support and encouragement. We want to give more people the opportunity to find a meaningful group that will add value to their lives. "

The new, experienced Facebook office, called FB5, is coming out later this year. Source: Facebook

To this end, the FB5 now focuses on Facebook groups on desktops and mobile devices, by bringing the Groups tab closer to the center of the desktop and mobile app website. The new Groups tab will also display a custom workflow for all user groups. Meanwhile, a new discovery tool will suggest groups that might interest you. And Facebook is currently working to weave groups into the group on the rest of the social network in sections such as Marketplace, the Games tab and Facebook Watch.

The new Facebook mobile app, called FB5. Source: Facebook

According to Facebook, users will start to see these changes in the Facebook application from Tuesday, with the office update scheduled for next month.

<h2 class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Extended meetings"data-reactid =" 67 ">Extended meetings

Facebook continues to explore dating as a feature, although the social network tends to enhance the privacy of its different properties.

On Tuesday, Facebook announced its intention to expand the meeting functionality of five markets – Colombia, Thailand, Canada, Argentina and Mexico – to 14 new countries, including the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Laos, Brazil , Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, Guyana and Suriname. Expect that Facebook Dating will finally arrive in the United States by the end of 2019, says Facebook.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Last September, Facebook & nbsp;started rolling his dating feature& nbsp; to select international markets. To avoid any privacy issues, Dating users create a brand new meeting profile, separate from their main Facebook profile. (The only information imported from Facebook itself is the first name and age of the user, as well as Facebook groups and events.) It is not clear exactly how occurs Facebook Dating – the social network does not share the user numbers of the feature, data privacy issues that Facebook has faced in the past 18 months. But the results of the first tests must be promising enough for this feature to finally be available in the United States. "Data-reactid =" 70 "> Last September, Facebook launched its dating feature to select international markets.To avoid any privacy issues, Dating users create a brand new new dating profile separate from their Facebook profile. main (the only information imported from Facebook itself is the first name and age of the user, as well as Facebook groups and events.) The network does not share the user numbers of this feature especially given the data privacy issues that Facebook has faced in the past 18 months, but early test results must be promising enough for this feature to be integrated into the United States.

Another interesting feature: a new feature called Secret Crush, which will be deployed on Tuesday and will allow Facebook users to select up to nine of their Facebook friends for whom they wish to express an interest. If their crush has also gone for Facebook Dating, they will get a notification stating that someone has a crush on them. And if their crush adds you to their Secret Crush list, it's a match.

<h2 class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Meet new friends"data-reactid =" 72 ">Meet new friends

New feature coming from Facebook, Meet New Friends. Source: Facebook

The social network is also testing a new feature in Vietnam and Colombia called Meet New Friends, which, according to Facebook, will help people make friends with new people from their school, workplace or city. Users can choose to register, so they will only see other people who are willing to meet new friends, and vice versa. The long-term plan is to eventually incorporate new friends into Facebook groups, so that users can meet new friends in their most significant communities on Facebook.

While Zuckerberg is looking to increase privacy, it will be interesting to see how some of the features announced by Facebook on Tuesday will play a role in this strategy. Encouraging users to meet new friends (or even dating) on ​​the social network seems to go against the new mandate of Facebook's general manager. But perhaps F8 will shed more light on Zuckerberg's broader vision – a vision that hopefully gels up and makes sense.

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