Facebook pop-up tests to alert


Apple (AAPL) is about to introduce a new requirement for users to explicitly allow apps to track them on the internet, a move that has rocked Facebook, which relies on collecting data to target ads.
Now, Facebook plans to display a prompt “from us, along with Apple’s” to show users how personalized ads “support small businesses and keep apps free,” the company said in a statement. Monday update of an old blog post titled “Speaking for Small Business.”

“As we shared in December, we don’t agree with Apple’s approach, but we will show their readiness to ensure the stability of the businesses and people who use our services,” Facebook said in the message.

For Facebook (FB), the stakes of Apple’s new privacy change couldn’t be higher. The social media company, which derives almost all of its revenue from advertising, has warned investors that changes to Apple’s software could harm its business if users deny tracking permissions.
In December, Facebook ran ads in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post, claiming the requirement could be “devastating” for millions of small businesses advertising on its platform. This too hosted a press event to find small businesses opposed to the change and launched a new hashtag to discuss it.

Facebook CEO and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg hammered out a similar point during a conference call with analysts last month to discuss the company’s latest earnings report.

“Apple has every interest in using its dominant position on the platform to interfere with the operation of our apps and other apps, which they regularly do, to prefer theirs,” Zuckerberg said. “This is impacting the growth of millions of businesses around the world, including with the upcoming changes to iOS 14. Many small businesses will no longer be able to reach their customers with targeted advertising.”

Although this last move may seem like another shot fired at Apple, Facebook Apple takes on its offer to any developer as to why it wants certain permissions for tracking. “We think people deserve the extra context, and Apple has said education is allowed,” Facebook said in the blog post.

On Apple’s privacy and data web page, the company said developers are allowed to do this “as long as you are transparent to users about your use of data in your explanation. … Apps should follow through. user authorization settings and not attempt to manipulate, deceive or force people to consent to unnecessary access to data. “

Facebook did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Apple declined to comment.

In a december TweeterApple CEO Tim Cook shared a picture of what Facebook’s app tracking transparency message might look like. Under the permissions prompt, the sample language read, “Here, in addition to other screens, Facebook can explain why users should allow tracking.” Users can then “ask the app not to track” or “allow”.

Kaya Yurieff contributed to this report.


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