Facebook releases new accessibility guidelines for VR developers


More than almost any other medium, VR games are a transformative experience. You can see someone playing a VR title on YouTube, but until you have had the chance to step into this world on your own, you won’t get the full experience. Unfortunately, between things like the price of hardware and motion sickness, there are a lot of barriers for people to enjoy virtual reality. But Facebook is taking a step in the right direction with the introduction of what it calls virtual reality (VRC) checks. These are technical recommendations that touch on various aspects of the design of a VR title, including interactions and movement.

Recommendations are just that: recommendations. Developers don’t need to implement all of these into their games and experiences, but Facebook “strongly” suggests that they support as many as possible. The company has released documentation that provides examples of what it considers the main accessible design to help studios get started. He also shared a video detailing best practices. Finally, he worked with accessibility advocates in the XR community to create a resource specifically for mixed reality developers. “Our goal is to encourage developers to think seriously about making their software more accessible,” the company said.


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