Facebook tweaks News Feed to focus on close friends and relevant links


The latest adjustments are based on survey results conducted by Facebook early last year, a Facebook spokesman told Engadget. Updates will be done gradually; users will not notice a change immediately.

To inform both of the changes, the social media company said it had interviewed hundreds of thousands of people. Their conclusion? With regard to close friends and bonds, there is no general trend in human behavior.

"In terms of conclusions, there is not a trend in this area that we globally consider to be (…) which makes that a message deserves the time of someone, or which is close to someone, one of a kind.This is why the users and the construction of this model were so important because they gave us a new signal to capture what could be valuable to people on a more individual and granular level, "wrote a Facebook spokesperson by e-mail.

In order to nominate your best friends, Facebook said that it had started asking users to list the people with whom they were closest. This is an interesting gesture because Facebook has known this information for years. The formula used by Facebook to guess your closest connections is secretive and ever-changing, but it's based on who you're posting the most photos for or commenting on or commenting on. But this recent decision shows that Facebook eliminates uncertainty by asking users right away. This change does not necessarily mean more content from your friends, just from your closest friends.

"This does not mean that the news feed will be limited to the messages of some people and you will necessarily see more content from friends.You will rather see the messages of those with whom you have close relationships in your News Feed, "wrote Facebook in a post about change.

Facebook has also changed the type of links you will see in your feed, based on the results of the surveys it launched in April. Surveys asked users to describe the type of link that seemed most relevant to them. Based on this information, Facebook said that it has been able to identify the signs of what makes a link useful. "We then combine these factors with the information we have about the message, including its type, origin, and commitment, to more accurately predict whether users will likely find a valuable link," wrote Facebook.


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