Facebook wants to connect with your "secret crush"


Facebook channels his early days as a hot-or-not-for-students website with a new feature called Secret Crush. Announced today at the annual Social Network F8 Developer Conference, Secret Crush will allow Facebook Dating users to select up to nine friends for whom they wish to express an interest. Think of it as a match on Tinder or Bumble, unless you choose the specific friends you want to meet in advance, instead of hoping their profiles will appear in the queue. 39; waiting. What could go wrong?

Here's how it's supposed to work. If someone adds you to his list of secret favorites, Facebook will send you a notification saying "A friend has added you as a secret favorite." If you then choose the same person to your list, Facebook will match you and reveal your names. If the feelings are only partial, the identity of the unshared lover remains secret. The object of their affection is then left to wonder who can have a crush on them without any way of knowing it. The feature will only be available in countries where Facebook has deployed its dating service, including Colombia, Canada, Thailand, Argentina and Mexico, as well as in 14 new countries in Asia and abroad. South America launched today. If you do not have a meeting profile yet, you can not receive Secret Crush notifications.


Secret Crush will help give Facebook an advantage over competing dating apps, which can not, in the same way, exploit information about your existing friendships. Tinder is great if you want to meet someone outside of your social circle, but it does not offer a direct mechanism for connecting to those you already know in real life. Facebook probably hopes that instead of getting someone's number at a party, you'll add it on Facebook and then on your Secret Crush list.

Other modern dating apps have not tried it, but that does not mean that Secret Crush is innovative. Friendster, one of Facebook's oldest competitors on social media, introduced a similar feature in 2012. The GoodCrush Dating Site, first launched at Princeton University in 2007, also had an almost identical base .

It's not hard to imagine how Secret Crush could go wrong. You can easily joke or even intimidate someone by adding it to your list of favorites under false pretenses. A WIRED staff member who used GoodCrush at the university said that they and their best friend had "spent an entire semester kissing with another friend through this service". But Secret Crush will probably be a great way to spark commitment. Using Facebook to scroll through baby photos can be a repetition, but who does not want to know that someone has a crush on her?

Facebook says it will not use Dating or Secret Crush data to make decisions about content or advertising. For example, it is not because you add someone to your list of secret favorites that you will see more messages in your news feed. "All the activities that occur in FB Dating remain in FB Dating and will not be shared externally," said a Facebook spokesperson in an email.

Facebook will also announce today that Dating will immediately arrive at several new sites in South America and Asia, including the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Laos, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Guyana, Uruguay and Suriname. . Secret Crush will begin deploying in each community on Tuesday. For the moment, singles in the United States are luckier.

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