Facebook withdraws software shipment to Huawei


The social media company announced Friday the suspension of the supply of software to Huawei allowing its devices to come pre-installed with applications, including Facebook (FB), WhatsApp and Instagram.

People who already own Huawei smartphones with these apps will not be affected by the suspension and will be able to continue using and updating apps, Facebook added.

But the move – reported for the first time by Reuters – is another blow for Huawei, which is the target of a US-led campaign to block its 5G equipment worldwide and cut software and components US.
Huawei is the second largest smartphone brand in the world, but the US-imposed export ban has already prompted some mobile operators to postpone the launch of some of its latest devices.
Huawei did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Friday. US authorities have warned that Huawei gears could be used for Chinese espionage, an assertion that the company has vigorously denied. Last month, the Trump administration added Huawei to an export blacklist that prevents US companies from providing unlicensed Huawei.
Another giant of Silicon Valley, Google (GOOGL), was also forced to cease supplying its software and services to Huawei due to the ban, which means that the Chinese firm may soon be limited to the public version of the Android operating system and could lose applications like Gmail and Google Maps.
Google may continue to provide updates to existing Huawei smartphones, thanks to a temporary bailout last month by the US Department of Commerce.

Huawei said it would build its own operating system as a backup, but "would like to be able to continue operating in the Microsoft and Google ecosystems" he could.

Huawei smartphones are on display in a Shanghai store.
Mobile operators in the UK and Japan have recently delayed the launch of Huawei's new smartphones, and global competitors like Nokia (NOK) start to catch up with the 5G contract race.

A Facebook spokesman told CNN Business on Friday that the company was still studying what the new regulation meant for its relationship with Huawei.

"We are reviewing the Commerce Department's final rule and the most recent temporary general license, and taking steps to ensure compliance," a Facebook spokesman told CNN Business.


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