Facebook’s new app prompt will encourage users to accept app and website tracking


In its ongoing feud with Apple over the transparency of app tracking, Facebook has announced that it will encourage users to allow tracking with “extra context” on a dedicated screen, according to an updated blog post.

IOS 14’s app tracking transparency feature will require developers to obtain a user’s consent to track their activity on apps and websites and access their device’s random advertising identifier. Users will be prompted with the options to “Allow Tracking” or “Ask App Not to Track” when opening apps, such as Facebook, that want to track their activity.

If a user selects “Ask app not to track”, Apple will prevent the app developer from accessing the user’s Advertising ID. The developer is also required to respect the user’s tracking preferences in general, which means that they cannot use other methods to track the user, or their app may be removed from the App Store. .

After a series of harsh public attacks on Apple in recent months, which in part claimed that application tracking transparency would hurt small businesses, Facebook now appears to have changed its approach and will now actively encourage users to “Allow Tracking.” .

As we shared in December, we don’t agree with Apple’s approach, but we will show its willingness to ensure the stability of the businesses and people who use our services. Apple’s new prompt suggests there is a tradeoff between personalized advertising and privacy; when in fact we can and do both. The Apple Prompt also doesn’t provide context on the benefits of personalized ads.

Facebook will show users a screen in its app, before Apple’s Application Tracking Transparency prompt appears, offering insight into how the company uses personalized ads, which it says ” supports small businesses and keeps apps free ”. The company warned that users who decline to be tracked “will still see ads, but they will be less relevant.”

Accepting these prompts does not result in Facebook collecting new types of data. It just means that we can continue to give people better experiences. We think people deserve the extra context, and Apple has said education is allowed.

Facebook is now believed to be preparing a lawsuit against Apple over the transparency feature of app tracking, among other claims, which the company says is anti-competitive.


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