Facebook's settlement with US regulators should include WhatsApp


(Reuters) – The potential settlement between Facebook and US regulators regarding breaches of consumer data privacy is about to be finalized. This deal should include its WhatsApp messaging service, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing people close to the case.

Politico reported on Wednesday that Facebook and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) were negotiating a possible settlement that would require the company to establish an independent privacy monitoring committee and take other measures to protect users. .

The FTC has investigated revelations that Facebook inappropriately shared information belonging to 87 million users with the now – defunct British policy consultancy firm Cambridge Analytica. The investigation focused on whether the sharing of data and other litigation constituted a violation of a 2011 agreement with the FTC to protect the privacy of users.

Facebook announced last week that it had set aside $ 3 billion to cover the settlement.

It was not yet clear whether Instagram, another Facebook-owned service, would also be covered by the settlement, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Facebook and the FTC refused to comment.

(Report by Aakash Jagadeesh Babu in Bengaluru, edited by Bernard Orr and Rosalba O & # 39; Brien)


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