Fact check: Trump continues to tweet baseless allegations of voter fraud in swing states


As has been the case with almost everything he has said about the election since last week, none of Trump’s claims on Monday were true and most were flagged by Twitter as misleading.
As one of the key states for both parties and one of the most competitive in this electoral cycle, Pennsylvania has been the target of numerous false allegations of fraud.
Monday, the president tweeted, “Pennsylvania has prevented us from monitoring much of the ballot count. Unthinkable and illegal in this country.”

While the content of the tweet is still visible on the president’s Twitter feed, Twitter has since added a warning tag to it, noting: “This allegation of electoral fraud is disputed.”

The facts first: There is no evidence to support this claim. Local, state and federal officials have not reported any major incidents that could call into question the legitimacy of the treatment of poll observers in Pennsylvania. There was bodies where election officials did not understand the rules and these were handled by the district attorney, but registered ballot observers were allowed at polling stations.
After complaints from representatives of the Trump campaign about observers in Philadelphia, a polling day judge ruled that the city’s electoral board was following the law by allowing observers access to the canvassing process. The law allows observers to be present, the judge wrote, but they do not have the right to inspect or look over the shoulders of workers counting ballots.
Problems involving poll observers have been at the heart of several election-related lawsuits across the country, including in Philadelphia, where Trump’s campaign lawyers have claimed GOP poll observers are not permitted to watching the count in Philadelphia or were not close enough to election workers around the country. bedroom. But in a hearing Thursday, Trump’s lawyers admitted, and a federal judge confirmed, the claims were unfounded. City officials also told the judge there were Trump watchers in the room.


In his first tweet of the series, Trump claims, “Nevada is becoming a cesspool of bogus votes” and implied that shocking revelations along these lines were imminent.

The facts first: The president did not provide specific examples or evidence for this claim.

Republican lawyers have sharp to over 3,000 people “who appear to have broken the law by voting after leaving NV”. However, state election officials say many of these so-called electoral fraud cases are in fact military personnel who legally voted in Nevada after being transferred to serve elsewhere, The Wall Street Journal reported.
And in two separate lawsuits filed last week, Republican lawyers have provided no evidence of electoral fraud. A judge has already dismissed one of the cases.
Responding to the request of the president, Jon Ralston, editor of the Nevada Independent, tweeted, “It’s over at NV,” and called Trump’s tweet a lie.


Georgia, a state Joe Biden could turn from red to blue, and a Trump claimed premature victory, was also touched on in the president’s tweet.
“Georgia will be a great presidential victory, as it was election night!” he tweeted.

The facts first: This is another lie. Trump did not win Georgia on election night. He was ahead at the time, but not all the votes were counted.

While Biden currently holds an 11,000-vote lead in the state, CNN has yet to project a winner in Georgia.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said on Friday there would be a recount in the state due to the narrow voting margin. As of 4:30 p.m. EST Monday, Biden was ahead 0.2% according to CNN calculations. If the margin of victory remains below 0.5%, candidates can request a recount once the results are certified by the state, which should be by November 20 at the latest.


Perhaps the most puzzling of Trump’s tweets on Monday was about Wisconsin. he wrote, “Wisconsin looks great. Needs a bit of statutory time. It will happen soon!”
The facts first: While we can’t verify predictions on what might come soon, it is misleading for Trump to claim that Wisconsin “looks very good” to him. CNN called the state for Biden on November 4, noting that a recount probably wouldn’t change the end result.
Nonetheless, the Trump campaign calls for a recount in the state of the battlefield. But under Wisconsin law, a campaign cannot request said recount until the Wisconsin Election Commission completes the canvassing of county electoral boards. At 6 p.m. EST on Friday, Biden led with more than 20,500 votes with 99% of the ballots counted.


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