Fact check: Trump lawyer blasts one of Trump’s biggest lies


But now his lawyer has done it. On the floor of the US Senate.

Bruce Castor Jr.’s performance at the start of Trump’s second impeachment trial will likely be remembered more for his aimless rambling than anything else. But Castor’s Tuesday monologue was also notable for something he said while trying to get to a rare spot.
Castor argued that the real reason Trump was impeached again is that his Democratic-majority opponents in the House do not want him to run in the 2024 election (If two-thirds of the senators present vote to condemn Trump, a simple majority of senators could then decide to bar Trump from holding future positions.) Castor said the decision to nominate the next president should be left to the American people.
And Castor said, “People are smart enough … to pick a new administration if they don’t like the old one. And they just did.” Then, shortly after, Castor added that it was trite: “People are fed up with an administration they don’t want. And they know how to change it. And they did.”

Castor’s claim of what people “just did” is obvious to anyone willing to recognize the reality. Except that Trump made an effort to create an alternate reality.

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Although Joe Biden beat Trump in the Electoral College and won over seven million more, fair and equitable votes, Trump has repeatedly stated that the people re-elected him in a “landslide” and that fraud and theft had deceived him of his rightful victory. (He repeated this absurdity even in the video he tweeted during the Capitol uprising.)
While Trump finally admitted, in his final days in office, that a new administration would take over, he never admitted that voters really chose someone else in his place – let alone the voters. voters had done it because they didn’t “want” or “like” the Trump administration.
The pre-trial statements by Trump’s lawyers were filled with Trump-style misrepresentation and distortions. But Castor pushed his way to truly blast off one of his client’s favorite lies.


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