Fairy Tail: 10 things that only real fans know about Zeref


Fairy tail offers a wide variety of complex characters with tragic stories. The most complex character is perhaps the main antagonist, Zeref. Although the existence of Zeref began as a great mystery, its truth slowly unfolds as the story progresses toward its final arc.

With unexpected relationships with multiple characters and hidden secrets behind his hurt, Zeref is naturally portrayed as a dark and mysterious force full of surprises. But behind all that, there are also deep layers of tragedy and sin in Zeref's character that make you both love and hate him. Here are ten lesser known facts about this magical wizard.

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ten He was an emperor

As a person having lived for hundreds of years, Zeref had a lot of free time. He had so much time that he decided to build an entire empire, the Alvarez empire, and to become the first emperor.

In an attempt to get enough power to defeat Acnologia, Alvarez's empire went to war with Fairy Tail. With the help of the powerful mages of Spriggan 12, Zeref and Alvarez's empire are fighting a fierce battle against Fairy Tail and his allies. Despite their eventual defeat, it should be noted the loyalty of the army of Alvarez in his fight for his emperor.

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9 He was a genius

Revealed in a series of flashbacks, Zeref was once a normal child with a happy family. After a tragic incident that killed his parents and younger brother, he began studying at a school of magic and devoted all his time and energy to finding a way to resurrect the dead.

In doing so, Zeref discovered an extremely complex black magic. This dark magic eventually led to the creation of vicious demons in the form of magic books. Although most demons have served Zeref in doing his dirty work, they have actually been created with the intention of killing Zeref himself. But even the demons were not enough to defeat him.

8 He was cursed

Just as Zeref discovered black magic, he was also a victim of the curse of contraction. This curse made Zeref immortal and could kill everything around him if he felt enough love. For this reason, Zeref has unintentionally killed many innocent people. And to make matters worse, he has been forced to live with these sins for hundreds of years.

Fearing the lethal effect of the curse, Zeref isolates himself with his emotions. If he could remove any feelings of love, no one should die to his curse. At the same time, Zeref became a conflict between good and evil. The lack of love in her immortal life has therefore darkened her heart.

7 Fairy Tail was founded because of him

History shows that Fairy Tail was founded by Yuri, Precht, Warrod and the first guild master, Mavis Vermillion. However, it is Zeref who actually taught each of these wizards how to use magic.

During a period of tension with the Blue Skull guild, Mavis and his allies had no magic ability to defend themselves against black mages. This changed when Mavis met Zeref and invited him to teach them magic. Thanks to Zeref, Mavis led his camp from the war to victory and later founded a magic guild, Fairy Tail.

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6 He was a father

Zeref has created many unique demons, from Deliora to Tartaros via E.N.D. But what no one knows is that Zeref has also given birth to a human son named August. The only thing that is more shocking is the fact that August's mother was Mavis.

When Mavis fell into a state between living and dead as a result of Zeref's fate, Fairy Tail's second guild master discovered that Mavis was pregnant with a child. After being abandoned, the child met Zeref who greeted him and gave him the name of August. While August knew that Zeref was his real father, Zeref did not even know that he had a child. In the end, August passed away without ever having received Zeref's parental love.

5 He feared Acnologia

Although Zeref was an immortal with incredibly powerful magic, he had a fear: Acnologia. Acnologia was a Dragon Slayer like Natsu, except that he also had the ability to turn into a dragon. Acnologia was a common enemy on which everyone could agree.

In the war between Alvarez and Fairy Tail, Zeref said his goal was to gain enough power to defeat Acnologia. He believed that he would be the only one powerful enough to stop the dragon, so he discharged that duty. However, it appeared that Zeref's reason for leaving Acnologia was that he was afraid of being tortured by him for the rest of his eternal life.

4 He did not want to be immortal

Many villains are motivated by greed and power. Often, they are looking for something as inhumane as immortality. But once they've got immortality, they may realize that life is not as wonderful as one might think. Zeref discovered it the hard way.

Although Zeref had never intentionally sought immortality for himself, he was desperately looking for a way to bring his little brother back to life. In attempting to challenge the circle of life, Zeref was cursed for immortality as part of the curse of contradiction. After killing and wounding so many people with his curse, Zeref wished he could die to atone for his sins – but it was just not possible.

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3 He had a close relationship with Mavis

Although they seem to be enemies on both sides of a war, Zeref and Mavis shared many things: a past, a curse, a kiss and a child.

When Zeref first met Mavis, he taught her to use magic, including the dangerous black magic called "Law." Due to the use of an underdeveloped version of Law to save his friends, Mavis was seen inflicting the same fate as Zeref. The two struggled to cope with the deadly sins of their curse but found solace one in the other. As a result, they shared a kiss, conceived a child and accidentally emptied Mavis' life with the spell.

2 He was Natsu's brother

Initially, we did not know much about Natsu's past or why he was raised by a dragon. That's only when Zeref shared more of his story than Natsu's revealed to be his little brother.

Grieved by the loss of his little brother, Zeref preserved Natsu's body as he tried to find a way to revive him. He eventually achieved this goal and resurrected Natsu as a demon named E.N.D. It is unfortunate that Zeref's love for his brother has contributed to his dark and destructive future.

1 He was killed with love

Even though Zeref was cursed with immortality, part of him still wished he could die. He even went so far as to make his little brother a demon, hoping that Natsu would be stronger than the spell.

In their final battle, Zeref got the magic of Mavis and a huge boost, but Natsu was still able to immobilize him. Rather than continue to hit his older brother, Natsu left it to Mavis to end the situation with Zeref. After Mavis confessed that she loved Zeref, the curse of the contradiction was finally broken by the power of love and the two could die together in peace.

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