Fallout 4 mod turns everyone into anime character


Anime fans who played Fallout 4of the Far Harbor were probably as disappointed as Hiyokomod after meeting Kasumi Nakano. She looked nothing like the kawaii girl that they expected to meet, based on her voice on the radio. "I was desperate when I met Kasumi," said Hiyokomod. Thus the inspiration of Animerace Nanakochan.

Available via Nexus Mods (as seen by Siliconera), the mod means what its name indicates: it adds a race that looks like an anime, for use as a player or NPC. The player's form is compatible with equipment and hairstyles other than pirate hats and hairstyles (many of which intersect through the body) those included in the mod. "These characters are very alive because they can have different expressions," writes the moderator. Check it out.

Some fans have pointed out that the race is entirely female, which can thwart your ambition of a total conversion of Fall 4 Full anime status (not sure that would make Preston or the Minutemen any more tolerable, anyway). But as a novelty, especially with the Japanese language and subtitles, it's worth a laugh or two, especially for filmmakers.

The mod (and its requirements and installation instructions) is available via Nexus Mods.


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