Family tribute to Adam West transforms Quahog Forever / Movie


Family Guy - Adam West

It's been almost two years since Adam West died. The actor became famous for playing Batman on television and on the big screen in the 1960s, but in recent years he could have been better known for playing a goofy version of himself as mayor of Quahog Town, Rhode Island, in FOX Animated Series Family Guy. The writers and the show team created by Seth MacFarlane has already paid tribute to Adam West shortly after his death, but they wanted to honor him in another way. Watch the Family Guy tribute to Adam West below.

Family Guy Tribute to Adam West

Last night's episode of Family GuyGriffin gang wanted to find a way to honor Adam West. Peter decided to dedicate a video in memory of the Mayor of Quahog. However, in typical Peter Griffin style, the video goes from a dedication to Adam West to Peter presenting some basketball stuff, including a horribly bad shot before everything happens fantastically.

Do not worry, people from Family Guy came up with an infinitely better way to honor Adam West. With the intention of becoming the new Mayor of Quahog, Brian proposed to rename James Woods High School to Adam West High School. As Brian points out, what many of us have learned online over the years, James Woods is an unparalleled chauvinist, and he does not deserve a high school to be named after one of the most popular FOX.

Fortunately, Brian succeeded and Quahog High School will now be known as Adam West High School.

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