Fans of & # 39; 90 Day Fiance & # 39; have burning words for Ashley Martson after meeting with Jay Smith


90 days of finance: Fortunately forever? Star Ashlay Martson warned her fans that the Sunday episode would show her that she is making a very bad decision, and that did not disappoint her. Once the fans saw her return to her husband Jay Smith, now separated, after being hospitalized, they were stunned.

This week's episode featured filmed events in January, when Martson withdrew his divorce petition because Smith had supported him during his hospitalization because of lupus complications. The scenes were filmed only a few weeks after Martson discovered that Smith was cheating again.

"Things with Jay and I were not good.The last time I saw him, I had just kicked him out," Martson said on camera after Smith showed up at l & # 39; hospital. "It's a little surprising to see him walk out of the hospital door." I was still really mad at Jay, but still a little happy to see him and happy not to be alone. "

"Knowing me and knowing who I am, I can not be alone in the hospital and I am not there," said Smith. "Then I immediately flew to her."

Although Martson warned Smith that his return "does not mean things are fixed," fans saw images of the couple returning to Martson's divorce attorney and demanding the withdrawal of the divorce petition.

"Jay is still here because, I guess, I'm not doing well and he's here to help me and it feels good to have him here," Martson told the producers.

Unfortunately, the wedding did not work. Martson filed for divorce in April and Smith's immigrant status was endangered. He was arrested by ICE earlier this month.

On Saturday, Martson went on Instagram to warn fans that the episode this weekend would show her that she's making a stupid decision.

"Disclaimer for Tomorrow's Episode – I've been admitted and administered by IV Dilaudid for 8 consecutive days," writes Martson in his Instagram account. "It clearly affected the frontal love of my brain.The part of the brain that you think about and make choices with … [that’s] all! Good end of weekend!"

Fiance of 90 days: Fortunately forever? is broadcast Sunday at 8 pm ET.


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