Fans proclaim the last season of Game of Thrones with the plane banner over Seattle


SEATTLE – Frustration on the Game of thrones The series finale reached new heights when a group of fans expressed their grievances with a plane banner over Seattle.

A small plane towed a sign saying "SOME ONE GAME REWRITE OF THRONES SEASON 8 PLZ. "

The transparent banner with red letters flew over downtown Seattle on Wednesday afternoon.

Ryan Geddes and his friends had the idea and created an online fundraiser on May 16th. He said it started as a "silly joke," but he quickly realized that he was engaged.

"Two or three donations were paid, then 50, then 100," said Geddes, who had set a goal of raising US $ 695 for about 30 minutes of air time on Seattle. "I have very clearly touched a nerve by accident with a very badly injured fan base. I think I have seriously underestimated how annoyed people are with this show. "

GOT banner flies over Seattle


Irritated Game of thrones viewers complained all season of the conspiracy, the writing and the way the series ended Sunday.

"It was like any average Hollywood film on the list," Geddes said. "It was good, it just was not as good as the first seasons."

Geddes said he primarily organized the banner waterfall for his personal entertainment, although he hopes that some donors will also consider giving actress Emilia Clarke a charity for survivors of stroke and brain injury :

But about $ 700 just to complain about a TV show?

"Could this money have been better spent? Absolutely, "said Geddes.


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