Fantastic cases for Samsung Galaxy Note 10 and Galaxy Note 10+


The four Smart Cases each focus on a specific character from the Marvel Universe: Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America and Deadpool. Cases are considered "smart" because they automatically load the Marvel setup application and exclusive content (trailers, clips and a role-play called FutureFight) once the case is installed; the latter includes a lock screen animation tailored to each case, as you can see with the images that accompany this story. And there are appropriate cutouts for the center-facing perforation camera facing the front and the vertically mounted rear camera case.

If you are a Marvel fan who has pre-ordered a Galaxy Note 10 or a Galaxy Note 10+, you can spread your fan to others without saying a word. As soon as this information is official with the price and shipping information, we will inform you faster than the time required for Spider-Man to evolve the Empire State Building.


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