Far-right groups plan DC rallies for Trump as tensions rise


A wide range of far-right groups and Trump supporters plan to descend on the nation’s capital on Saturday amid heightened tensions over the presidential election results.

The mix of protesters gathered in downtown Washington, DC, where they will be met with counter-protesters, raises concerns that events could turn violent.

The main rally – known by various unofficial names such as Million MAGA March, Stop the Steal DC, and March for Trump – appears to be focused on a wave of support for President TrumpDonald John Trump Biden spoke to some GOP senators, chief of staff said Trump told advisers he could announce 2024 candidacy soon after Biden’s victory is certified: a report from the Ivy League cancels winter sports amid U.S. COVID-19 PLUS pandemic surge as he refuses to concede the race to the elected president Joe bidenJoe Biden Biden spoke to some GOP senators, chief of staff said Trump told advisers he could announce 2024 candidacy soon after Biden’s victory is certified: report Obama is ‘troubled’ by GOP attempts to cast doubt on election results: ‘This is a dangerous path’, citing unsubstantiated allegations of widespread electoral fraud.

While organizers and right-wing media and White House figures have predicted massive turnout, similar events during Trump’s presidency failed.

Fox News Host Sean hannitySean Patrick HannityRubio: GOP must change name as party of ‘multiethnic, multiracial, working class’ voters Tribal cable news journalism is at a crossroads Why this election won’t bring us together MORE, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany and Trump all promoted the rally.

“Heartwarming to see all the tremendous support out there, especially the organic rallies popping up across the country, including a big Saturday in DC,” the president tweeted on Friday afternoon. “I can even try to stop and say hello.”

The only group to receive a permit from the city was Women for America First. The permit was issued for 10,000 people at Freedom Plaza at noon on Saturday. The group, led by former Tea Party activist Amy Kremer, was one of the first to promote the March for Trump.

Kremer told USA Today that his organization is not coordinating group planning activities in Washington on Saturday.

Promotion of the rally has started among various online groups that support Trump.

“While I am sure this rally will have Trump supporters who do not wish to cause harm, are fully committed to peaceful and legal protest, the reason this rally is taking place is because some extreme elements of the right wing movement are are coming together to organize it, ”Jared Holt, visiting researcher at the Digital Forensics Research Lab at the Atlantic Council, told The Hill.

The conservative Right Side Broadcasting Network media outlet pushed the Million MAGA March nickname.

Nick Fuentes, who is used to making anti-Semitic and racist remarks, announced the rally to his “Groyper Army”, while Stewart Rhodes, head of the anti-government militia The Oath Keepers, said he would be at Washington. and that he has armed men standing outside the nation’s capital.

The self-proclaimed “Western chauvinist” Proud Boys leader, known for inciting skirmishes, announced on Telegram that they would also be in Washington on Saturday.

The group gained national attention after Trump said during a presidential debate in September that they should “step back and stay away.” After a widespread reaction, he said the Proud Boys should “to resign. “

Supporters of QAnon’s conspiracy theory – who believe in the baseless claim that Trump is working to expose a cabal of child-eating elites in Democratic media and politics – have also said they are would join the main gathering.

Saturday’s events are expected to attract a handful of other right-wing figures, including Alex Jones of Infowars, conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich, conservative activist Scott Presler and Andrew Anglin, founder of the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer.

But extremists are not expected to make up the majority of rally participants on Saturday.

“Even in their own party, they’re very marginal,” Holt said. “I think what we’re going to see are these bigger crowds of people going to this event because it was plugged in by Kayleigh McEnany, Sean Hannity, kind of traditional GOP figures. Up there, there will be members of these extremist groups and militia groups that … are going to make the whole situation from the outside a little confusing.

A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police Department said authorities would monitor and assess the situation as it unfolds. The spokesperson also noted that DC law prohibits open porterage near gatherings and that “if anyone is found guilty of violating these laws, they will be liable to be arrested.

Researchers warn there is a high risk of violence at the rally, especially given the Proud Boys’ penchant for brawls and threats from militias, although groups like the Oath Keepers have not followed through on threats. previous ones.

“This rally comes at a time when the passions of Trump supporters are extremely high,” Holt said. “And some of the more extreme groups that are considering showing up here have spoken in increasingly overblown rhetoric, talking about coups and civil wars.”

While the disparate groups expected to be in attendance on Saturday have distinct goals, according to Media Matters for America President Angelo Carusone, a unifying desire is to support Trump after his electoral loss.

“ There is a core of people who believe that if they show up, it will inspire Trump to get into a more aggressive posture, or it will kind of avoid, or signal to everyone else … that Trump has this show. massive. support, ”he told The Hill.

The risk of violence becomes more likely if right-wing antagonists are able to elicit responses from counter-protesters.

The They / Them collective has scheduled a “F * ck MAGA” counter-test at the Supreme Court when the Trump-focused rally is due to kick off, while local anti-Facist group All Out DC has another protest planned nearby.

In addition to the local police, the mayor of DC Muriel bowserMuriel BowserMcEnany Predicts ‘Fairly High’ Turnout at ‘Million MAGA March’ in DC DC Metropolitan Washington Area Set New Records for COVID-19 Cases DC Officials Prepare for demonstration of the Proud Boys this weekend MORE (D) said the District will closely monitor the planned activities.

Christopher Rodriguez, director of homeland security and emergency management for the city, said officials expect a relatively low turnout.


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