Fault areas worsen Fortnite


The comments are in: the fortnite community does not like fault zones. Epic has adopted a decent concept and made it horrible. Take a look at the opinion of a man on Season 10 and on the current state of Fortnite.

Fault zones aggravate Fortnite and it makes me furious.

Part of the reason why I am so angry at Epic is that Rift Zones are a good idea, in theory.

The non-construction area in Tilted Town is surprisingly fun. Bringing back old places like Retail Row and Greasy Grove should be an easy win for Epic, and a merger of Moisty Mire and Paradise Palms is a great idea.

The problem? Epic can not go out of his own way.

Each rift zone is worse than the previous one.

Let's summarize.

Rift Zone Hassles

Playing fortnite, fortnite miss me without worrying about whether I stay squatting while I cultivate or open a chest. Movement around the entire map and each IOP being viable to land. of r / FortniteCompetitive

People forget that the first Rift Zone was over Booty lake. This one was a mediocre addition to the game. Yes, there is a free rift there, but the low gravity zone is one of the worst places to fight.

Sloping city looked bad at first, but it ended up being pretty fun. There are big problems in the competitive games late in the game, but Tilted Town is usually a pretty unique and entertaining addition to Fortnite.

Retail line came back, but with one of the most hated elements of Fortnite: the zombies. However, obelisks give you a decent booty and zombies are a good source of shield when they do not sweat.

Epic thought somehow that it would be a good idea to just destroy a decent POI in the Football stadium and just leave a crater in its place. Glitched consumables are hardly an adequate replacement.

Pandora It was fun, but only for a limited time. I just landed there because the fighting early in the game was annoying when everyone was passively generating shields. I just floated through the bubble for free shields on my way to paradise.

Moisty Paradise and Greasy Grove The sound is great on paper, but when you add the forced dance and Prop Hunt, they degrade quickly. To be fair, I have never landed at any of these places. I have seen enough clips and I stay away for the moment.

The perversion of Greasy Grove

Like this new update from r / FortniteCompetitive

It was the clip that inspired the article you are reading.

A player, stuck in the storm with a dead teammate, staring at a slurp, bandages in his inventory, dies because of a nasty mechanic that Epic has added to Fortnite.

Greasy Grove was a fan favorite, and adding it to the game should have been an easy win for Epic. They could not have it, now, is not it?

Epic not only added this ridiculous mechanism to Greasy, but they moved everything and changed homes. This place is Greasy Grove in name only.


I've never realized how much I'm squatting

Want to realize how crouched you are in Fortnite? Just land at Moisty Paradise and try to play your game.

Squatting to become an accessory, though interestingly, is horrible for players who just want a regular Fortnite experience.

This, like Greasy, makes me angry because merging Moisty Mire and Paradise Palms is a great idea. The community would have liked it if it did not come with this nerdy mechanism that forces you to consciously avoid squatting.

I actually have a suggestion for this one. They should add a five second delay before becoming an accessory. This would make the mechanic much more intentional.

I still hate that, though.

Stop giving us reasons to hate Fortnite

Have you ever heard Dr. Disrespect trash Fortnite? This is one of the countless two-time clips that comes out of the game.

Some of his rants are more serious than others. This one is extremely serious and I start thinking that he is right.

There is no soul in Fortnite yet. What would that be? Epic actively limits competition and adds mechanisms that go against Fortnite's core experience.

Epic does not seem to have any other purpose than to earn money. They throw ideas to the wall for Season X, and none of them stick.

I still love this game. This is the only game I have known for so long. This game helps to pay my bills. I play it every day.

Even so, when the last zone goes to Moisty Paradise and I can no longer squat, when the zombies overwhelm me during the last part of the circle of retailers, when I'm overthrown by a mech, when my favorite points of interest come back in a nerdy, perverse environment. State – I hate this game

If you like, Epic, I beg you. Stop making me hate your game

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